Chapter 109.

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"Mom...she needs us."Leila told her."She is my sister. She helped me and I did nothing to repay her. Now that she's in need I will save her even if I end up in the ends of that place."


"Let me go."Kayla angrily told Petra."And where are you taking me?"

"You'll see young one. You'll see."

She was led inside a dark room and was quickly tied up on a chair.

There she pulled the chair in which Kayla sat on and led her in front of a table.

"What do you want from me?"

"You."Elias said and his voice only sent shivers all over her body."Hello Kayla."

"You."Kayla said shocked.

He came to her with his chair and sat in front of her.
"It's been a while."He said and caressed her hair.
"Now that Ezra is not here to kill me again."

"You won't get away with it."She said and stared at Petra."You all won't get away with it."

With that he held her neck."I guess we have already."


Kayla stayed in the room for hours without seeing light.

She didn't know how many hours or even days had passed but she heard things and would be glad to tell it to Zenith especially.


"Hello?"Leila called.

"Leila."Ezra said."How did you contact me?"

"It's an emergency."She replied.". Kayla has been taken and three days has passed."

"What!? Edgar!......"

"It's not Edgar."She said."It was a female that took her."

It had been verified. Ezra knew who it was.

Quickly, Ezra ran to Leinali who was observing Zenith, Asia and July directing them in where to find the sword.

"Enchantress."He said."Things are getting worse. It seems Petra has taken Kayla."

"What?"She said surprised."Petra."

"And why are you surprised? Of course she is his sister. What good can she ever do?"

"Who did you hear this from?"

"Leila."He said."She was there when they took her."

"Then you know what to do."She told him."Take Kayla and let me handle this."


Leila,after calling Ezra saw the worried look on Susan's face.
She saw the love she has for Kayla.

With that,she went to her.

"It will be fine."Leila said."Kayla will come back again."

But Susan said nothing.

"It's my fault. If I had been alert earlier,this wouldn't have happened."She said with guilt.

"No Leila."Susan cut her off as she wiper her tears upon hearing that."I was once taken and I came back because of you. I believe your sister too will come back."

In reply, Leila nodded."But are you sure you'd not tell the others to help?It was because of them that you're here."

Susan knew it was true. It was because of Zenith and the others but she had a weird feeling about them snd she did not want any of her girls to be in that but Kayla had been taken which makes her life numbered.

If she wants to get her daughter back,them relying on the immortals an option she had to do.

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