Chapter 61

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Now she herself did not know whether what she said was from her heart or not.

"Of course I forgive you."Leila said."It's not your fault."

"Thanks a lot."She said."Tomorrow will be a party and you,will be to die for."

"What do you mean?"Leila asked processing the information well.

"You are a beauty and the men or non-humans will stare at you. Just be simple but not too simple. Just an advice I'm giving to you."

Leila,a bit confused nodded her head in reply.

"Anyways bye."
She said and walked out of the room.

Unexpectedly,she met Zenith who would have probably heard their conversation.

Not to create anymore problem, Kayla quickly passed by Zenith.

"That's a good thing to do."He said drawing her attention." I'm sorry for what I said some days ago."

"Chill. It's nothing after all you are not the only person to say that to me."She said and turned to him."Prepare for tomorrow is a grand one and please don't stare at Leila with those eyes of yours."


"Just a hint I'm giving you."

With that,she passed by.

"Do they notice that much?"Zenith asked himself.

Leinali who had been watching the map saw Kayla walking to her direction.

"Kayla."She called and put the map aside."Don't forget to do what I've asked you."

"Don't worry."She told her."I will do anything for my mom. Even if I have to face a demon for that."


"But what about me?"Kayla asked remembering the instructions Leinali gave to Leila and Zenith."What will I do? I can't be in this big palace-like mansion and do nothing."

"You and Ezra will go straight to Edgar and tell him that you're on his side. That way in case anything goes on there you and Ezra will tell me."

Kayla just nodded."But how will we tell you? Do they even have a telephone?"

"No. I will make you remember some words and use that to call me."

"Words."Nodding her head continuously."That...will be great but what words are they?"

"Words that are not in the alphabet."Leinali said and touched Kayla's shoulder."You will soon know and don't worry about Ezra. He already knows it."

Without wasting much time, Leinali walked to where she was heading to.

"Exes."She called and he appeared behind her.

"Leinali."He said,laughing."What a day and why do you call me?"

She turned to him."I need you to do something for me."

"Anything for you."He said.

"What do you know about this place?"

She showed that map to him and revealed Edgar's domain.

"This place is on the edge of Getra but getting there means death."He answered."Many if us tried but none came back and my only niece was taken brutally."

"She's not the only one "Leinali said."An innocent mortal too has been taken."

"Then we must come together and do something or Edgar will win this time."

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