suicidal winter (❌)

725 17 48

tw // attempted suicide.


The cold winter breeze blew harshly against Sonic's face. Making his way to a party that was literally in the middle of the village, so far away from his little cottage. His two-tailed fox buddy decided to camp at home and snuggle into warm sheets with a hot mug of hot cocoa in hand while binging movies to get through this harsh winter.

Sonic just had a red scarf and his gloves on. He didn't like wearing clothes or going shopping for clothes and anything related to clothes so he didn't really prepare for this damn occasion.

Sonic grunted, "Who would invite people to their party at 12 a.m. midnight during winter, of all times?!" Sonic complained as he struggled through the thick snow on the road.

He glanced over to cottages that had lights turned on and warm fuzzy feelings leaking out of the small gaps of the windows and doors, while smells of fire and its wood carefully made its way out of the homes of mobians and avians in this village.

Warmth. Something he hadn't felt in awhile.

Busy being a tough hero who's totally cheerful all the time and encouraging people to do what they love, is definitely not an easy task.

Sonic, with all his strength and his own warmth, tried to make his way to the hall where the damn party was held. Just thinking of it made him nauseous. Or cold.

He didn't know. He was getting numb of all these feelings that he can't even recognize them anymore. It was kind of funny to him at first, but at this point, poor guy doesn't even know what 'pride after saving the whole village' feels like anymore. He was completely numb of it now.

He shuffled through the snow as a blizzard slowly crept up the weather.

"Oh, what a wonderful experience.." Sonic complained as he kicked a frozen rock and crossed his arms to keep his hands warm, "I hate.." He slurred hastily as he dragged his feet through the 8 inch tall snow one by one, "Fucking..." He struggled and took yet another step, closer to the hall, "PARTIES!" He snapped as his legs started to speed up and generate warmth for his body.

He grunted as he sprinted towards the hall in seconds and fell on his butt upon entering the hall and shoving the door shut angrily.

"Hey, Sonic! You're here!" The mayor smiled, "I could've just teleported you here but you didn't ask, so I didn't," He shrugged and spoke with his damn annoying voice.

"Yeah, yeah. Get this over with," Sonic stood up and crossed his arms, "What do you want?" He asked with a hint of annoyance and irritation in his tone.

"Well, we are here to celebrate," The mayor replied immediately, almost cutting Sonic off, "And I figured we could have a little party."

A little party. Just for THIS? What's the point, dude?!

Sonic was getting real pissed now. First, the mayor invites everyone to a party, and might he add, LAST MINUTE AND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, during winter. Sonic has duties attend to every day, for a cry out loud. He doesn't just have time for the mayor's FISH SCHTICK. Second, IT'S JUST A PARTY FOR DAMN CHRISTMAS?! Sonic was about to curse this man off and shoot his bullets at him but, hey, he'd been protecting this village basically his whole adolescence up to his adulthood. What could he have done provided this happened earlier? Quit? Yeah, right.

He sighed and nodded.

I knew I never should have come. Well, sucks to be a pushover of a hero.

Sonic sat at a corner for basically the whole party and though, at one point he did walk up to do something but it wasn't appealing to him.


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