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FABL AU. (basically a Famous AU)


Sonic sat quietly in the middle of the living room couch. His hands were folded together, one finger tapping against the edge. Every now and again, he would let out a deep breath, and then release it again slowly as if he was trying to calm down. He wasn’t calming himself down. He was calm. Yes, he was.

He heard sizzling sounds from the kitchen and he snapped out of his thoughts. Turning over, he stared at the figure.

He was wearing a dark blue T-shirt and denim shorts, his rather slim figure risen up against the counter, his arm reaching up to a cabinet above.

Sonic peered over, his eyes blank and lifeless.

The past few days have been hard. He's just moved to Shadow's place. It's hard to adapt.

He's had trouble sleeping. But, it all seems worth it when Shadow smiles like that every morning, when he cooks breakfast and sits down next to Sonic on the couch after making coffee, when they sit outside on the balcony, eating breakfast.

Shadow was making dinner now. And Sonic had nothing to do, and he was afraid to bother Shadow. He's been been enough of a burden already...

"Sonic?" Shadow asked in an uncertain voice, turning around to look at him. Sonic jumped, and immediately hid his face behind his hands. He looked away and didn't answer.

Shadow sighed and walked back into the kitchen, grabbing two mugs off the counter and filling them up with coffee.

He sat next to Sonic, placing the mugs on the glass coffee table. He placed one hand on Sonic's shoulder, gazing at him.

Sonic dropped his hands onto his lap, staring at his hands.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered quietly, his gaze cast downward, ashamed, embarrassed, upset, guilty, sad.

"No," Shadow said softly, putting his mug down on the table, turning towards Sonic, cupping his cheek gently. "You haven't done anything wrong." He gave Sonic a soft kiss on the forehead.

Sonic was used to this gesture already, since he and Shadow have been this affectionate together all the time since they were children.

But something about Shadow doing this now bloomed so much comfort in him.

Like kissing a scar. It doesn't help with the scar whatsoever, but at least someone knows it hurts and tries to soothe that pain.

Someone who loves you.

It was almost too much. He leaned into the touch, wrapping his arms around Shadow's waist and squeezing him tightly. He closed his eyes, burying his face into Shadow’s neck. Shadow hugged him back, rubbing his back soothingly as Sonic sniffled.

Shadow wanted to say something, but he stopped himself.

You usually wouldn't hear him reassure you. But if you really knew him, if he knew you were in pain, suffering, not feeling well, everything he does after that very second, is for you. A reassurance.

And Sonic felt it all over him.

Shadow whispered, "Do you feel like eating?"

Sonic fell silent, nodding slowly.

Shadow almost smiled. He hushed him, "I won't prepare much for you. You seem like you're losing your appetite.."

Sonic nodded again. He didn't want to disappoint Shadow again by saying no to food.

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