Somewhere ( ☂️ )

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Shadow woke up. He stretched out, before he did whatever he had to do everyday. It was a routine. Boring but efficient.

He had breakfast. Well, no, he doesn't have breakfast often but today Rouge insisted. She cooked up some bacon and sausages and eggs, and a cold glass of milk by the plate. Rouge had gone off to work, telling him that Shadow had a day off today.

What for? Shadow asked himself just before he skid over to the fridge when he noticed a small piece of paper on the fridge.

' Happy birthday! We can't be there but we want you to have the best birthday ever.

-Sonic's crew'

And below, he noticed a hidden piece.

' they forced me to write it. can you read it? my handwriting sucks, dude. anyway, meet me by the beach, at 7pm or so. bye.

-happy bday, faker,

Shadow rolled his eyes and went back to his breakfast.


"It's my birthday?" He stared at his food in surprise. He didn't care.

Either they were speaking nothing but stupid lies or they were telling the entire truth. Shadow much rather not listen to it all. He thought it was the first. If it wasn't, then he must be delusional. It was not his birthday, was it?

He continued on his breakfast. His phone, placed right next to his plate was fully charged — a rare sight to see — and being bombarded with birthday wishes from his coworkers and team members.

He even got messages from strangers.

Am I that famous? He asked himself, in disbelief.

He finished his breakfast and was about to do the dishes when Rouge messaged.

"leave your plate there, handsome. your bf will come do it for you."


"oh my god youre so oblivious."

"Who's my bf?"

"i hate talking to you. happy birthday shadow."


He was a little bit annoyed. Everyone was nice. Even the coworkers who usually picked on him were friendly.

Sending messages like, "Happy birthday, dude! Wanna celebrate?" and "I'll take you to dinner tonight since it's your birthday. What do you say?" and "Wanna go out for a beer, birthday boy?"

Shadow corrected the last one, "Birthday man*" And left the other messages on read.

He set his phone down and his plate in the sink. He was always keen to follow instructions from coworkers and GUN. Though he was reluctant this time.

He took in a deep breath and slowly stepped away from the sink, picking up his phone.

"What do I do now?" He texted.

"just relax! i dont know. do your thing."

"My thing is working."

"watch TV! you love watching that stupid chatter box."

"Bitch, so do you."

And Rouge left him on read. He snickered.

She's the only normal one.

He smiled fondly and switched the TV on. News. He didn't care about it. Usually, he'd get bombarded with updates fron colleagues on normal workdays, but since he didn't go to work today, he got no news. And he appreciated that. News freaked him out.

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