energy au

198 6 15

Sonic went out errands, leaving his partner alone at home. He couldn't doubt that he felt a little bit in the mood to hold his partner close and be as close as possible to him.

Well, he has to do something, so he couldn't just listen to Shadow talk. Stupid hero missions.

He was speeding all the way towards Tails' workshop, since that was where they usually met.

Sonic stood around Tails, "What," he muttered, annoyance laced in his voice.

Tails was too occupied with information to notice, "Give me a second," he narrowed his eyes at the screen.

Sonic tapped his feet as usual, as if he was running late for something, but really, he was just impatient.

"What's up? Chasing a rocket?" Tails twisted his chair over.

Sonic shrugged, "No," he rolled his eyes, "I was having some alone time," he lied.

Tails blinked, "Uh, okay. So, you gotta go over to the village central and search out for some chaos energy surrounding it. The nearby sensors have sensed abnormal amounts of energy around it," he muttered as he looked over the information, "You can use your own chaos energy to search for it and maybe extract some of the energy."

"Why do we need the extra energy?" Sonic huffed, "Besides, my chaos energy is negative. I can't just sense for chaos energy like that. Get someone else who feeds off positive chaos energy like the one sensor you're using to sense energy there," Sonic gestured over to the bulky computer, pointing at the small deep green dot.

Tails frowned, "You can basically sense everything."

Sonic groaned, "Okay, fine.. But if this fails, get Amy or Knuckles to do it. Knuckles especially. He knows energy when he senses it," he shrugged.

Tails nodded, "Noted."

Sonic adjusted his shoes and paid close attention to the weird straps. They change colours out of nowhere when he goes to certain places.

He didn't know why they changed colours. He never bothered to know why, Tails was too busy to look into it and only his boyfriend cared to even experiment on it.

He sped off to the village central, watching as his feet swept swiftly against the ground. He skidded to a stop as soon as he saw the fountain.

Sounds of water flowing down filled the air. Sonic was absolutely disgusted by the sound, but he walked around the fountain, his hands on his waist as he shut his eyes, concentrating on sensing the positive chaos energy.

Tails wasn't lying about him being able to sense everything, but it was terrifying to feel for something he wasn't used to feeling.

It was so bright and light, unlike his own which was darker and heavy. He inhaled and stepped far away from the source, shivering. He looked over to the sensor which was beeping rapidly as soon as he approached.

Sonic stumbled back, out of the central. The sensor stopped beeping and the awkward feeling faded away. Sonic shivered again, feeling his body tingly all over to the new sensation.

He shook his hands wildly, squeezing his eyes shut. He was trying hard to get rid of the shivers down his spine, it was uncomfortable and made him anxious.

He exhaled sharply and sped back to Tails' workshop, the discomfort still running through his body. He skidded to a stop when he saw some smaller birds flying by. His eyesight glanced over them for a brief second, temporarily trapped in wonder, he was, and snapped out as soon as the birds disappeared from sight.

He blinked and shook his head lightly before going back on his way to the workshop.

He came to a stop to the huge garage, and hopped around to look for where Tails hid the lock. He climbed up to the roof, and huffed, finally seeing the lock. He leaned down on the roof, and tapped in '1992'. He heard the door rumble open, and slid down swiftly, walking into the workshop to see the fox still tapping away at the bulky computer.

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