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“Shadow, you gotta hurry up, I want to go home!” Sonic whined, pacing back and forth as he waited impatiently behind the door of his husband's office room for him to finish up taking care of business and come out already.

He could hear frantic rustling and shuffling, and the door burst open suddenly, with Shadow running out and hopping into Sonic's embrace.

Sonic swung him around carefully in his arms, and then settled him down with a small smile.

"Was waiting for you for twenty hours."

Shadow scoffed, "As if. Why're you so nervous today?" he asked.

Sonic sighed, "I don't know, okay.. I know we've planned this ahead, but I.. I don't know. I feel like I might hurt you in the process."

Shadow smiled softly, "I think not. You won't. You're a gentle lover, I know it."

"Yeah, yeah..."

There was a knock at his office door that caused Shadow to turn quickly away from the corridor leading to his office, embarrassed, and Sonic felt the urge to laugh at how flustered Shadow had gotten over this very small thing. He was about to make some sort of snarky comment when someone came barging through the door later, but Shadow instead pushed him down the escalator.

"I'm not risking working overtime and not spending the rest of my night getting frisky with you."

Sonic smiled shyly, "D'aw. I don't get that often," he joked.

Then he stood to his full height again, "So what's your idea of being intimate?"

Shadow shrugged, "Well... I usually sit on your lap or something, but that's only because you seem comfortable there."

Sonic grinned, "I do like those moments though. You always make me feel so.. special.."

Shadow huffed, ushering Sonic (someone who just barged into the company with an excuse of 'I want to see my boyfriend' as a reason) out of the spinny doors that confused him, and rushed him into the car.

Shadow sat in the driver's seat and sped all the way home. Sonic smiled at Shadow's unusual excitement.

As soon as they arrive home, Shadow parked his car into the garage and shut the door, then pulled Sonic onto the couch.

Shadow sat at the couch, "Why are all the curtains pulled shut?"

"I dunno. Giving you a choice of where you want to have it."

Shadow nodded, before looking down and tracing his thumb across Sonic's cheekbones gently.

He didn't say anything as he moved down to kiss Sonic's neck lightly. Sonic groaned softly, enjoying the attention immensely. Shadow seemed contented to leave little kisses along Sonic's collarbone, and so was the other.

Sonic giggled, "You wanna do this downstairs?"

"Ah, no. Just warming myself up."

Sonic pulled Shadow up, "Want me to carry you upstairs, my princess?"

Shadow flushed, "No."

Sonic scooped Shadow up anyway. He carried the other to his bedroom and laid him on the bed as gently as he possibly could, then turned his back to Shadow so Shadow couldn't see what he did as he stripped off his clothes.

Sonic heard Shadow's breathing hitch slightly, but then the bed creaked as Shadow made his way closer to Sonic.

Sonic turned around, and kneeled down in front of him, "Want me to undress you?"

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