💕💥 + ☂️

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Shadow woke up on a bed that was unfamiliar, his heart pounding as he remembered where he was. He opened his eyes slowly to see Sonic staring at him. Sonic's face split in an adorable grin, his eyes lighting up with delight before Shadow realized that Sonic wasnt the cause of Shadow's excitement, but rather what was really going to happen next.

He felt fingers trickling down his body, and he snuggled closer eagerly.  His husband laughed lightly as Shadow moved, and pressed their lips together tenderly. Shadow smiled into the kiss. Sonic loved when Shadow got like this, his playful and happy attitude, always making it so that there was something different about their love making. The feeling made Shadow feel all warm inside.

Sonic smiled, "You're upbeat. You want this, for real?"

Shadow nodded slowly, "It's not everyday you get to make love with your husband.."

"It could be, though," Sonic grinned slyly, "You know I have some, or quite a lot of experience, right?"

"Well, yes, but I dont-"

Sonic smirked and kissed Shadow again, his hand moving slowly under Shadow's sweater to run over his chest. Shadow gasped as he felt more fingertips under his clothes, which soon slid down to cup Shadow's butt.

Shadow pulled away, reluctant.

Sonic didn't notice it right away, but he paid close attention. Shadow leaned upwards, as if to whisper something, but then he clung and did nothing else.

Sonic chuckled softly, running a thumb over Shadow's lips, and kissed them again. He kissed Shadow's neck, his hands finding Shadow's loose button-up as his fingers began undoing them. He undid the belt, threw it somewhere and slowly slid his lover's pants down. Shadow smiled as his body tingled with excitement.

When he saw Shadow's pants hit the floor, he lifted Shadow slightly and took off his own. Shadow watched as Sonic pulled off his clothes, throwing them to the side before he was grabbed and whispered to.

"Im gonna make you mine tonight."

Shadow shivered, feeling Sonic straddle him. It was almost too much for Shadow. Shadow knew that Sonic would never hurt him, but sometimes it still scared Shadow how quickly he got used to things that were new, and that Sonic had only recently gotten better. Shadow wasn't sure if he'd ever be ready to go through that.

He let Sonic do his thing. That he wasn't acquainted to. He shifted, shivered and gripped ever so gently.

"Sonic? Are we really doing this?" Shadow said quietly, his voice hoarse. Sonic's hand continued stroking across Shadow's body, making him gasp every now and then. Shadow found that he liked it a lot when Sonic touched him.

"Of course."

As Sonic worked him with soft kisses and tongue he felt a deep growl rumble in Shadow's throat. Sonic hummed in response, pulling away for a second.

"Are you okay with this, babe? You seem kinda tense."


"Are you sure?"

Shadow nodded slowly, his fingers trailing around Sonic's arms, swallowing thickly as he let Sonic continue his soft ministrations.

"Okay," Sonic murmured, leaning forward and kissing Shadow's lips gently, "You can tell me whenever you need me to stop." He pulled away and resumed kissing Shadow's neck.

"Now," his mouth moved lower until he could kiss Shadow's collarbone, "Let me show you what I do when it's you. Just you and I. Alone."

Shadow hummed nervously, tipping his head to the side and allowing Sonic more space to work with. Sonic gladly took it, nipping the skin gently and making sure Shadow was reacting nicely to it. He continued sucking gently against the area.

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