Chapter Two

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The plane landed at eight PM in Gibraltar and stopped practically rolling to the hangers before Lily used practiced ease to glide the plane into the hanger and parked the jet that was about as much as a quarter of my waking hours in a day.

It soiled deep within me the amount of things that I could look at as normal and yet know that they cost something. It partially made me wonder how long it had been since the Winters Family didn't have any form of money that at least eased life. I knew the original manor was built in twenty years and cost ten million dollars in the late eighteen hundreds. So the family was at least wealthy then. But that was eighty years after the first ever member of the family built a shipping company over his fifty year life, and it was his son who had the home constructed.

I kinda wonder what they would think about how we turned out nearly two hundred fifty years later the fortune that the Vynters had back them was. Then the move to the UK gave us all the name we had today when Henry Winters was born.

Descending the stairs I crossed the blistery tarmac towards the shiny Aston Martin. Sleek black sports cars were like a drug in this family at least for my father and I between the two of us we had too many of the luxurious vehicles though mine had less finishes and varnishes when it came to the more bespoke vehicles, I also owned less then he did.

Looking over to the woman beside me who looked thrilled to be back her I smiled lightly before walking around the vehicle and kneeling down to the rims and grabbed the key fob for the luxury car and opened the driver side door and slipped into the Vanquish Ultimate Volante with the top down and started the engine as Arilynn buckled her seat.

"Off to the compound" she declares and I laugh before flicking open a pair of sunglasses and driving off towards the area of Marbella where I had purchased a home.

Speeding along the coast was an amazing feeling with my hand at the twelve o'clock position on the wheel with my other hand holding Arilynn's as we cruised over the roads that provided an amazing view of the Spanish coastline on our way to Marbella though my driving and the Aston's V12 was making short work of that journey.

"So now that we've in Marbella what's the plan?" my girlfriend asks looking over at me as we finish rounding corners and I shift up a gear to get the car to pass one hundred miles an hour.

I had an unspoken promise to Arilynn that as long as she was in the vehicle I was never going to crash, and I was never going to put her in a situation where I couldn't control the speed of my car.

"I would like to take you for a dinner just us, then a walk along the beach" I say and a small smile and gleeful blush forms on her face.

"I'd love that" she says before looking back off towards the water that lapped at the sandy shore beyond my view.

Eventually I pulled up into the area of various other expensive mansions in Marbella and slowed to a stop outside my gate which opened and let me pull in so that I could park the sports car.

Pushing open the door I walked around to the passenger side and opened Arilynn's door before the both of us walked inside of the stucco and marble home I had paid for the palm trees and low hedging blocking the lawns from the gardens that lined the driveway along with led to the large garage that held my various other cars here in Spain.

Walking through the home that we'd spent some time over Winter at during our year at Harvard, I looked around the familiar space that we'd travelled too once each year at various times since our work often dictated our lives and what we could do, and where we went.

There was also a lot of wooden and marble elements through the home though I refused to except an interior that appeared to modern or dark so demanded wooden or natural designed elements through my homes.

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