Chapter Twenty

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At the end of the day I sat in my office staring out of the window at New York all the while the sun began to set its last rays of light casting flickering shadows through the buildings of New York.

I had also told Tatyana to send the rest of that box of cigars to the hotel the four Gambian investors were staying at since I had solely bought them for that occasion, and I didn't smoke I'd been careful to only pull the smoke into my mouth instead of actually inhaling it into my lungs.

My PA had also provided me with an extremely detailed file on all four of them and exactly how all of them gained power mostly it was oil money but there was also a lot of suspicious actions that made them millions of dollars a year.

And then my own business practices are scrutinized but I have an extremely legal behind the scenes private company and yet for decades companies have been exploiting some of the most monetarily successful countries creatinga massive wealth divide that my family had genuinely been trying to change as best as it could, but unfortunately we couldn't do it as Winters Group International, we had to do it through a series of other regional companies.

Thus is the reason five million people work for Winters Group International.

There were others about twenty actually that made an average of eight hundred fifty billion annually and yet when the Government leaves me alone the world is suddenly concerned about how much money I make when the company I am managing under its general umbrella name operates four percent of the world economic sphere, but has a controlling hand in ten percent and that was where everyone freaked out because only governments knew that along with Winters Group Executives.

And yet I'm the villain because I have money.

I had also gotten the time to look at the house that Arilynn and I had seen in Alpine not long ago an it had been listed to Zillow for a surprisingly low amount of money. Ten million for a twenty thousand square foot house which is unheard of for the general area in and around New York City.

Deciding I'd take a drive out to look at it and perhaps buy it I decided that I had enough of working, and shut my laptop flagging the page that I was on so that I knew where I was in the mountain of work that I had to sign off on which wasn't too much for a normal day, I'd just spent most of my day in meetings collecting all of it.

I then grabbed my coat and pulled it onto my frame before realizing that it felt tight in the shoulders, more then it should have been.

Slipping my phone into my pocket I walked out of my office pressing my thumb to the locking scanner and instead of going towards the elevator I walked to Tatyana's office.

My shoes clicked as I walked along the granite floored hallway of the two hundred twentieth floor of the tower until I got to the office where Tatyana spent most of her day if she wasn't chasing down my Executives to apply minor pressure to move things along which did have to happen on occasion but it wasn't that often.

Getting to the door I knocked once and the door sprung open to have Tatyana standing there by the side of the door to let me in.

"Mr. Winters what can I do for you?" she asks pulling her hair back up into a neat bun and smoothing the grey and brown blazer she wore.

"I need you to book an appointment with Huntsman in London to get suits remade, I pulled this one out this morning and it seems to be too tight on my shoulders and these are older ones for about two years ago, all mine now are remade just a few months ago" I explain and she nods quickly getting a sticky note and writing in neat cursive to book an appointment.

"I will put this into the schedule for some time in the next week" Tatyana says and I nod.

"I'm going home, finish what you were working on, and then you are free to go, if you have anything that needs to go on my desk slide it under the door, I'll get it tomorrow morning" I say.

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