Chapter Ten

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Walking from a conference room in Hamilton Enterprises I began to make my way back to my office with Hannah not far behind me informing me of what was next on my to do list.

"Next on the list is the three o'clock meeting with Colin Hendrix" she states looking up from her iPad as I stop in the middle of the hallway.

"I will need a coffee for that meeting, how much time until that meeting begins?" I ask and Hannah looks down at a watch on her wrist.

"Two forty, Miss" she replies looking up at me.

"Come along then, we're making a Starbucks run" I state and head in the opposite direction of my office heading towards the elevator.

"Delaney tell Mr. Hendrix that he can wait here in the lobby until I come back" I direct before pressing the button for the elevator and getting the immediate gratification that no one else had arrived on lower floors.

Stepping in I pressed the first floor button and Hannah slipped in as the doors shut before we were carried down to the first floor of the building.

With a ding we walked out of the elevator and across the lobby to the front door and across the curb to my car which I unlocked for my assistant.

Walking around the vehicle she pulled open the door and slipped into the white interior.

Unlike popular belief I did own my own cars fifteen to be specific so I did find humour that no one bothered to ask about the white on white luxury vehicles I drove.

Getting into the car I started it and pulled away from the curb at the same time that three limos park along the curb and a series of people get out.

That must be Colin coming early to try and 'surprise me'. Typical power move.

I had learned the tricks that other CEOs tried to pull on one another and one that I took from Nathan, and Nathan took Adrian is to schedule meetings in a way to arrive later then that person so that no matter what one could always hold power, another was to do the opposite and move the meeting time sooner so they had to race to be on time and could use being late as a way to dictate meetings.

Being a CEO the one job manipulation can be mutually favorable. Aside from Lawyers which Theo knew way too much about.

My friends were always going to be the definition of success and I was very proud that they all welcomed me how they did. In the. Past six years they had done so many various business deals with one another that I finally understood how for almost sixty years these four families, had been labelled as such when talking about all of them. They were who controlled everything in this state and made a good job of it too.

And still I was let into this circle of friends.

I sometimes had thought back to when I was younger and my parents told me to find a respectful man who would look good in the face of the public. I got one that people feared and respected,but I loved unconditionally and that was fair my company was even supported secretly of course by Winters Group and it all seemed to work out in the last seven years.

Spotting the Starbucks I planned to stop at I slowed and parallel parked before hopping out followed by my assistant who had been ogling the interior of my car the whole way here.

I got it now, being in New York and driving around in luxury vehicles, the boys often privately joked about going to some rich paradise where their lifestyles wouldn't be of constant envy by others. I saw it as I crossed the sidewalk I spotted a group of three homeless people sitting in the edge of an alley blocked by the building to shield themselves from the wind.

How cruel the world was to so many.

"Hannah, a mocha cappuccino for me please, venti" I say softly to my PA who nods and walks into the café while I walked over to the group that I realized was a family with a makeshift cardboard sign that stated 'need money for rent' in coloured pen that had clearly been fading when writing.

Turning my purse I pulled out a coin purse and slid out enough to cover a few months rent in Manhattan out of the leather holder.

"Use this to get back on your feet finaciall, use a payphone, and contact Winters Group Headquarters tell them Arilynn told you too book an appointment with the CEO. He'll help you all get jobs to get a better life" I say before standing and recieveing nods of shocked relief. I then walked back over to the door of the café and pulled the door open as my assistant was handed one of the drinks.

Hannah then turned the paper cup to read the label before turning to look to me as some of the baristas glanced up as I crossed the room.

I then watched as Hannah was presented with the second drink and she turned to me handing me the cappuccino that was blissful.

"Have a good day" I say softly to the handful of people behind the counter before turning and walking off back to my car.

Unlocking the Rolls I got back into my car and set my coffee into the driver cup holder and started the car.

"It's weird to see people give my boss a cautious look. Like everyone in there noticed you" Hannah says.

"Really, I didn't notice, though I guess I'm a CEO" I muse before slipping on sunglasses and driving off back towards Hamilton Enterprises.

"I forget you are my boss and the boss of a global company" she says taking a sip of her soy milk latte.

"I forget it sometimes too" I admit signaling and taking a corner.

"I wouldn't have thought that".

"I live in New York and can do quite a lot from my office the first five years was my hard push to get as far as I have".

"And the past one almost two years have been the stabilizing of Hamilton Enterprises?" My assistant says with uncertainty as she glances over at me.

"Yes. I'd say we've done well but my name is above the door and in the lobby" I state.

"The company is still growing rapidly, infact there is an estimate that my company will be a direct competitor to Kosmina Kosmetics".

"Isn't Chloe Harrington your finacé's Cousin?".

"Yes, close friend of mine too, she's extremely polite, shy, but still intimidating, I'm pretty sure all Winters direct relatives are" I say.

"The media agrees" Hannah laughs and I laugh too knowing that it doesn't do them any real justice but serves to show the business and powerful side of them.

Does it to all of us, there is a charity picture circulating of all of us.

The New York Times had a video of all of us. The twenty six members of the four families showing up together. We had owned that building from the moment the fleet of Rolls Royces stopped. It was one of my first debut nights with Nathan as both of us being CEO's.

Pulling myself back to reality I caught sight of the limos again and pulled into my spot before getting out and noticing Colin's security doing check ins.

"Time to attend this meeting" I sigh while Hannah follows me back inside the building as I strode towards the elevator to put Colin Hendrix in his pompous place.

It's late bit I was big chilling in the hottub and talking to someone so yeah, comment predictions of how the meeting will go, also vote, and share. Anyways


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