Chapter Three

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The sun was gorgeous and bright, and so was the girl next to me. Her bare back was fanned in slightly tangled hair, a reminder of the engagement sex we'd had last night along with the marks on both of our skin. The duvet pulled high over both of us covering our nudity along with providing a no coverage from the sun that glowed through the windows into the home. Rolling over I looked at my now fiancé with a soft smile on her lips as she slept.

Only Arilynn would smile in her sleep.

Getting out of bed I crossed the room to the closet I picked out my clothing for the day, and went to the bathroom to shower so that I could head out into the kitchen to make breakfast for both Arilynn and I.

I flicked on the water which hit the tiled flooring of the shower and splattering on the walls before I stepped into the continually warming stream of water. Cleaning off my sleep and attempting to rinse it from my eyes so that I could see, and be actively awake I got out not long after to wrap a towel around my waist so I could dry off the rest of my body and style my hair.

Dressing and smoothing out my shirt, along with straightening the sleeves I style my hair, and walk across the room to the closet once more and grab the first watch I encounter before leaving the bedroom which was Arilynn absent.

Must have gotten up while I was in the shower.

Walking along the hallway I quickly realize where she has gone from the voices in the kitchen, that became more and more clear as I neared the room just off of the living room to find Arilynn in comfy clothes, and Vesper along with the cleaning staff which were on site since they shared a section of the guard house.

"Ms. Hamilton, the staff have been discussing" our housekeeper Andrea says before trailing off upon noticing me walk into the decadent kitchen.

Andrea was just shy of middle aged and had been employed by me since I'd bought this house in Marbella. Her face was more tanned then Arilynn's, and small wrinkles showed up by her eyes, though she had always managed to be very kind to me and my siblings one the few times that they had been here in Marbella. Her husband who at the time was out of work, same as her had been in dire need of work; so I had my lawyer draw up an NDA and a generous agreement for salary after they signed should they agree to work for me. Both agreed, and now they along with their young children were given a place to live.

"Been discussing what Andrea?" I ask calmly as I stood behind Arilynn and dipped my head down to kiss her cheek.

"Good morning mi amor" I whisper in her ear before returning my attention to my PPO and housekeeper.

"Since the engagement last night, there have been over two hundred articles about it. People walking through Marbella caught sight of you both though it is unclear in some of the camera images since video was also taken by some people's phones. We are working to get all of them taken down but secondary storage isn't possible. News stations around the world are also commenting on them. You two have made main story as the lovers engaged in the same place six and a half years ago you both came for your first vacation as a couple" Vesper explains folding her hands in front of her before adding, "congratulations both of you by the way. It's good to see that someone finally got to give the ring he was being so secretive about".

My head PPO eyes me and I just shake my head.

"Thank you Vesper. Also I take it you're worried about us now being in the spotlight and needing to be extra cautious" I say separating from Arilynn and beginning to pull out things for breakfast.

"Yes, you might be a billionaire, and both of you may be Winters now, but people will now start targeting you more" Vesper points out an air of caution resting in her voice.

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