Chapter Forty Eight

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I woke up early in the morning one night and found the wide expansive room that Nathan and I shared a black and deep navy blue shadow cast space with the moonlight causing a sharper less clearly defined image of the room to be my first reciprocated image when opening my eyes to take in the space of the room and all of the occupying objects. The bathroom light above the sink was on telling me that Nathan had gotten up and had been in there though I knew that if he had truly intended to stay up he would have showered in the dark with the shower light on but none of the bathroom ones. The next indicator was that the barn style door of the closet was opened and would only be closed at night when we were sleeping.

He was up somewhere in this twelve thousand square foot house, and that wasn't helpful because he walked like a ninja and had the uncanny ability to just teleport from one place to another with strides that were the size of Asia.

Rolling off the bed I fetched my robe off of the back of the bedroom door and walked out of the room and down the hallway to the balcony of the home from the top of the grand entrance even though there wasn't a pair of stairs until the opposite end of the house which had it's benefit it just wasn't fun being half asleep and trying to find your way downstairs.

Finally locating the stairs I made my way down into one of the lounges in the house before walking into the kitchen which was abandoned though like the upstairs the lights were on though it was the lowest setting in the room highlighting the crystal center fruit bowl while the refraction cast light around it in odd patterns. I also spotted that the sink had been used and a glass was present by the edge just far away that if bumped it wouldn't likely end up rolling onto the floor and shattering into a million shards that I'd never be able to avoid with my inability to see thanks to the low light and lack of awareness.

As I walked into the living room though I felt a breeze across the floor and could tell that despite the heat that was typical from the ground the hardwood flooring was cold which was when I spotted Nathan standing outside in a hoodie and sweats with one of the doors that led out from the living room slightly ajar.

His hair was a wreck a clear sign that he'd been thinking about something stressful, especially since him styling his hair daily had the effect that his hair often just stayed in the style he made it the day before. His phone was also face down on the edge of the balcony railing and his wireless case was on top of it likely with his earbuds in as he stared over the forest below.

Walking through the living room I pulled the robe tighter around me to keep more heat in before stepping outside and wrapping my arms around his waist slowly to not startle him.

"Hello love" he says his voice a deeper version of its usual tone likely from his own lack of sleep.

"Why are you up, it's just past midnight" I say looking up at the position of the moon in the sky then back at him and he just smiled.

"A lot of things honestly. Trying to find who's behind all of the stuff in the past month, you telling me your pregnant, and me attempting to just sort my priorities" he says turning around and putting his earbuds back in the case before slipping both that and his phone back in his pocket. Nathan then wrapped me in his arms and pulled me into his warmth.

"I am worried it's someone we know, someone who could easily have access or be welcomed into the building, or even our residences. I'm worried that if this escalates it will result in you being hurt, I'm worried that I won't be a good father. Being around kids of close friends is one thing but raising your own. I'm a fucked human being, and I know that this kid or even kids will have to be taught all the same stuff I was, I don't want the bigenerational cycle to continue. For all the money in the world that we control, never has it ever helped me with clarity. I don't want to be a shit parent Arilynn. I can picture it in my head and it scares me to think that I could mess all of that up" Nathan exhales before looking down at me, "and I know that you probably have similar fears, your parents weren't terribly wonderful to you, one of the first things you ever told me was that you were the show daughter, and I would bet that you don't want that for your kids, that you worry like all expecting parent would".

"You're not abusive and I'm not either, so I think we both will be good parents, and we'll try our best for them, and to be the best we can be. As for if the person is a close member of the circle, then I guess we see what happens, the progression of it getting worse, you have almost a hundred bodyguards, I'm sure we will be safe".

"My parents have a quarter of a thousand and people have still been kidnapped" he says biting his bottom lip before sighing, "I'm probably just being paranoid".

"You're also a very protective person and that makes you semi paranoid, your job also doesn't help because you have to be able to consider every option to make sure you're always in control" I point out and he hums.

"I suppose that's true, I just want to keep you safe at all times, I can't be blamed for that" he muses and I give him a smile while resting my head on his chest.

"I love you for that reason and many others. I never have felt as safe as I do with you. With you nothing can get to me and I know that" I say.

"True, now you should go back to bed".

"You're coming with me, let's go".

I then began pulling him and he gave in knowing I couldn't truly pull him but he entertained the thought before eventually getting him back to our bedroom where I hung my robe, and practically dove under the blankets hoping to catch whatever dregs of warmth were left from the time that I wasn't occupying it.

Nathan then walked back around the bed after undressing to his boxers and handed me the hoodie he had been wearing which I gleefully slipped on before he pulled me into his arms and hugged me as I cuddled into him.

"You're my favourite person Miss Hamilton" Nathan whispers to me and I just smile as sleep retakes me as I mentally correct him to what my surname will soon be.

"You're mine Mr. Winters" I hum back and if I wasn't so tired I'd have rolled over to see the smile that was likely on his lips from my response.
Yay, it's shorter but but I'm trying to do longer updates I fell off of the writing them the night before so I need to try and get back on that. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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