Chapter Sixty

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A little under an hour passed before it was time for the speech of the night that I would be presenting like I had done for the past six years. Standing from the table where I sat with my family and in the case of my sisters their partners, I began making my way to the stage.

Buttoning my coat I looked around the room as I drifted towards the steps and slowly climbed them focusing on my cuffs since they had gotten ruffled and required straightening though I could hear the steadily growing silence until I was in front of the microphone and pulled it from the stand which by then the hall was quiet and I had everyone's attention.

"Good evening everyone, and welcome to the twenty seventh annual Winters Charity Gala. It seems like so long ago that my parents started the journey that led to the creating of numerous charity events and foundations that finally culminated just two years before my birth of the founding of the Winter Charity Gala. A cooperation between the various members of the esteemed family I was blessed to have been born into, and the family in which my fiancé Arilynn Hamilton will soon be a named member of though she won over my parents years ago, though Izzy still won't let her try any of her foundation because she's worried Arilynn will make her look pale" I say with a faint smirk that brings a laugh out of the crowd and a glare from my eldest sister.

"I love you too, Isabella. You know I'm the best brother, anyways. This gala is an event that I grew up attended even as a child, I was six when I first came here to this hall, and every year since I've sat in the same chair" I say as an image of a six year old me appeared on the wall behind me from a ceiling mounted projector.

"Twenty years I have attended, and I didn't ever really realize the effect until now or that I'd stand on this stage knowing that the five hundred attendees every year were providing two point six billion dollars annually to go to a new country in need, to families, and refugees, to single parents, struggling college and university students and even those who are employed but don't have enough. It's a prideful moment to see those people. I've seen them with my own eyes, I took a six month hiatus and went all over the world to experience alone with no support from home, or anything the true realities of experiencing the lives of the people that we help" I say looking around the room as more photos that were taken by local media and put up followed my words.

"Now I cannot say I understand it as like I mentioned I was born into an esteemed New York family. But I can say that I learned an aspect of the reality of many across the world, and that is why on this fine December night we will be donating the proceeds to an organization in South America that focuses on both quality education, and breaking the cycle of poverty. So I am sure that they will be pleased when this foundation writes them an enormous cheque by grace of all of your generosity. Thank you" I say and clapping follows as I shut off the microphone and put it back before walking off the stage and just as cued all of the food that was ordered is brought out and set on the tables at each members spot.

Getting back to my table I took my seat and began cutting up the steak that I had ordered as everyone was enveloped in conversation. We ate and drank, and I knew that when dessert was done we'd all begin the auction which of course was more expensive then the previous year.

"Nathan what is your plan for the time off you're taking for the rest of December?" my mom asks looking over at me over her wine glass as she took a long silent sip.

"I am taking this one to Marbella though I might change that to Monaco, I haven't been in ages and Monaco in December is beautiful with all of the ornaments and the wintery decoration that gets done outside the Monte Carlo Casino" I say glancing over at Arilynn then back at my mom while my spouse, who was eating a near identical proportion of food as me though I had a feeling that the pregnancy was aiding in that, was making short work of her meal while managing to be classy.

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