Chapter Forty

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The line of three armoured Rolls Royce Phantoms slowed to a stop outside Hamilton Enterprises as I walked out of the front doors to the awaiting crowds, I didn't particularly mind the crowds though that was probably because there was ten feet on either side of me thanks to the security from the building.

Gwen then opened the back door of the central car and I buckled my seat thankful for the privacy that the tinted windows provided along with the anti flash screen that had been applied so that none of the photographers would be able to get any more images of me, or anyone in the cars for that matter. As the cars pulled away Gwen looked into the mirror of the car.

"PPO's have cleared the sidewalks at Steinway, for our arrival".

"Has Nathan landed yet, he was supposed to have come in five minutes ago".

"Vesper told me that the plane encountered a delay in London and the plane would be arriving nearly the same time we get to JFK" Gwen says and I nod before looking out at New York which was finally starting to get some sunshine which I found almost polar to the reality of what was likely to follow.

I didn't necessarily fear for Nathan more I feared for what the result of him managing all of the reaction on his own especially since he was so often a quick to react person over thinking and then reacting. I kept thinking about the trial and that perhaps when it was over there would be a next step in learning who the person was in finding out who had been against Nathan.

As the cars crossed the Brooklyn Bridge I glanced down to Stuyvesant where Nathan's mom was born and raised which was somewhat interesting to think that all of the people who would later be life long friends and even partners were so close together a lot of the time in their teen years.

When the cars reached JFK International I watched all three be quickly let through the gate before heading off to the hanger section, all of which were covered in rain, and only two were open one putting a medium jet aircraft away while a hundred or so feet away was Nathan's Gulfstream being storage checked while the pilots shut down everything. The Rolls Royce's curved and stopped perfectly in line before PPO's got out and formed a line to which Nathan walked down the steps from his jet and along the tarmac with one hand in his pocket and the other free hanging.

He was dressed in a cotton jacket that had clearly been recently purchased since he didn't take that with him, and a pull over that covered half of his neck with the collar. The black contrasted with the light grey and his raven hair seemed to pick up the light causing a bright refraction making the shiny parts of it seem mirrorlike until he opened the back door and slipped into the backseat beside me.

"Hello love" he says a bright smile that he couldn't control covering his face and creating creases by his dark eyes that were filled with gaiety at seeing me, and I could say that I felt the same. It was like a wash of relief upon seeing him and being so near him again. His cologne filled my nose, and just as quickly his arms had wrapped around me and he'd pressed his lips to mine.

"Hi Nathan" I say smiling against his lips before his face grew farther from mine but still he kept his arms around me.

"How has the past week with all of the news, drama, and preparation bullshit been on you?" Nathan asks, "please tell me I don't have to set up a hit squad, I will if I have too but I don't feel homicidal today" he says his words taking on a teasing tone that I don't typically get out of him unless we're at home.

"No you don't but I have other news, and an idea of how you could gain more information about the person behind the defamation of character case" I say.

"I want to hear all about it, once we get home and I can get water into me, all I've had is coffee since lunch, and now I'm jittery" Nathan admits.

"Okay, well how was your trip to London?".

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