Chapter Nineteen

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The following day I stepped out of the elevator into the garage and crossed the room towards my DBS Superleggera and unlocked the car as I made my way towards the car and slipped into the driver seat before I started the car and drove off up the ramp as Arilynn walked to her own car.

Slowing at the top I looked around the sidewalks at people who were crossing and mostly only going where they wanted as I was leaving at seven thirty rather then eight to get there early to start my day and do more for an upcoming deal that I was preparing to sign on top of having to prepare for whatever legal deal Scarlett would set on my desk whenever her PA booked a meeting in my schedule that Tatyana would adjust to be best functioning for me.

I was meeting with a Gambian Investor that had a massive African mining conglomerate that he and his team wanted to get rid of off their portfolio since the build up was over and they pulled their investment but still owned the company.

I also was wondering how these investors got to hold onto a five percent stake of a company that made four hundred million dollars a month for eleven years but I wasn't going to question anything I shipped enough dangerous things around the world to cause issues for anyone including myself.

I'd agreed to ship over thirty two million cubic meters of marble from quarries all over the world for a massive mark up since it cost me next to fuck all to have it cut into columns and put on the back of flat beds to be shipped back to the US or Europe or wherever they needed to go and still cutting up quartz for people's homes was just as useful as me custom ordering marble to cover the floors of Winters Group facilities around the world.

There was also a large secretive investigation into the company owners that I would be meeting with today to discuss and hopefully finalize the deal that we were signing upon for the transferance of fifty billion dollars to their company to split among them and all of their various other employees for the sake of me ending up with a company whose assets I could develop into a massive operation and then likely profit largely off of the deal.

They were unaware of the investigation of course, or else I'd likely have lost the deal a while ago but none the less they were flying to New York to stay the night then fly out tomorrow back to Gambia.

Pulling to the curb I slid out of the car and locked it behind me as I slipped the key into my pocket and began to button my jacket closed and stepped through the front door of Winters Group Headquarters right before four Alpina D5's parked along the curb and men in dark navy striped suits walked up the steps and into the lobby at the same time that Tatyana parked her F8 behind my car and came in behind the men head held high and immaculately dressed which must have shocked all of them because not one didn't look at my assistant as she handed over my morning caramel macchiato.

"I see the businessmen from Gambia are right on time, this is your morning coffee, I will send you the rest of your schedule once I get to my office. Also the winery deal has been completed workers will start on the fifteenth of October" Tatyana informs me as she pulls the green plastic tab out of the sipping hole on the lid and discarded it down the roster of her finger spaces to the bottom between her pinky and ring finger.

"Thank you Tatyana" I say turning back to the group of four men who seemed to still be in shock at my five foot nine slavic Personal Assistant who then turned and walked off towards whatever task she had given herself for the day that was being attended to likely in the highest level of efficency.

Because when had my PA who I pay a million dollars a year do anything less.

"Gentlemen this way my office is on the top floor" I say and they all follow me in their prestine suits that hug their wide frames as they followed after me.

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