Chapter Fifty Four

39 7 1

Arilynn Hamilton

It had been a few days since Nathan had left to Tokyo and almost every night we had called, texted, or facetimed. I got to hear about Nathan being excited that his delegations with Saikamura Industries had gone well, and that he had been able to use the Japanese that he had learned. I also watched him be giddy when driving because rare cars were his biggest vice.

Here in New York however I got to see the first snow dump, and the completed exterior and mostly completed interior of the house which had somehow been increased in speed and more labour since the company apparently wanted to be done the home before the snow stayed and would ruin the wood. I'd also done most of my Christmas shopping once I got back since of course we were leaving to Marbella the night after the charity gala and I didn't want to have to try and find what I was looking for after landing in Spain.

It was also mildly taboo.

Most wealthy people had personal shoppers of some sort mostly for clothing and food along with lifestyle assistants, all of who helped create order in the lives of the elite so that no one had to lift a finger outside of the things they wanted to do. The rest that couldn't be bothered with was ignored and dealt with by other people but I wasn't raised rich enough to be ignorant, and Nathan was raised to value hard work and respect more then anything else so his things stayed well maintained and cleaned with the maids doing the places that weren't done often. We both also valued putting work into a home or else it doesn't feel like a home.

On this particular morning I looked out to be met by a cloudless sky with the sun glint bouncing between the buildings and making New York seem brighter and happier. I had even dressed in an actual colour today choosing a navy blue halter necked sweater, and long coat while my trousers, heels, and beret were black because I still needed to cut a formal and profession figure even if I was showing at this point so I intended to go and get my dress sized properly after work today.

Turning from the window I walked to the lobby of the penthouse which was slowly being relocated to Alpine but it would only get in full swing when Nathan got back, whenever that was so I told the movers to wait a week to get everything going, along with the clothing specialists who would be restocking the penthouse with secondary clothing for the times when Nathan and I come here.

Pulling open the drawer I took out the Lamborghini key and stepped into the elevator before travelling down to the garage I stepped out and crossed the concrete to where my Aventador S was and slipped into the driver seat before starting the vehicle while looking over at all of Nathan's vehicles wrapped in microfiber covers to keep them from getting dirty.

Starting the car I drove off out of the garage and towards Hamilton Enterprises. I wasn't really prepared for work today either since I'd just been on a week long vacation and was still attempting to recover from the seven days of relaxation.

The city seemed especially lively with all of the people out and about. It was probably normal, but the week away had reset me from seeing five thousand people per city block just on a sidewalk.

Eventually I pulled to the curb outside my building and shut off the car just to lean against the seat for a moment as I readied myself for whatever was about to come in my usually exceptionally busy day.

Grabbing my purse from the passenger seat I hung it on my arm and got out of the car before shutting the door and walking up to the entrance of Hamilton Enterprises.

Pushing open the door I crossed the lobby and just as quickly Hannah came over to me and began listing off the tasks for the day like she did every day all while I listened and headed towards the elevator before pressing the button to summon the elevator car and stepped inside once it dinged.

Leaving the elevator once we reached the top floor I entered the reception and went towards my office as quickly and elegantly as I could before pushing open the door and walking inside as Hannah followed.

"Ms. Hamilton. We got a security alert to move your car to the basement, and to have a double patrol" she informs me and this stops me mere feet from my desk before I turned back around.

"On whose instruction?" I snap for the first time in months since one particualar man was thrown out of this tower, along side his wife.

"Nathanial Winters, your Fiance. Your security detail even ordered it along with a woman named Tatyana Hanavorna" Hannah says and I just laugh knowing that in typical Winters style Nathan had said nothing about protecting me more when away from NYC.

Reason two thousand one hundred and thirteen why I'm marrying him.

"Of course it was. Let them do their jobs just inform them to not be invasive my staff still deserve their privacy" I say and Hannah nods before leaving my office letting me finish setting down my things before starting on the vast expanse of files and papers that I needed to get through before going home.

The hours passed slowly as I read line by line through each file as I insisted on making sure I had every detail down to the word and understanding along with making digital pdfs of the ones I needed clarification on which I forwarded to Hannah for her to send out.

I also went through two coffees in the span of four hours which likely wasn't the best idea since I was pregnant but the slightly puffy top I wore had been helping to make me not look like I was showing.

All of a sudden I hear a knock on my door and Hannah steps through with something behind her back.

"Ms. Hamilton" she says and I nod before looking up at her.

"Hannah" I say folding my hands and looking around at the now much reduces work quantity.

"Something was found on the front steps" she says before walking over and handing an envelope with very ink heavy lettering with my name on it which told me the person had purposely written slow to hide how they actually wrote.

"Hannah, please inform security that I am leaving and that I want two vehicles to accompany me when I leave. Also send the security footage to NYPD specifically ask for Logan Saint Laurent. He'll know what to do" I say knowing that I still had to go to my dress sizing but I couldn't have it done at the boutique in the event I was followed so it would have to be at the penthouse.

"I will do that, I'll tell I believe it's Delaney who is downstairs and managing your security".

"Yes it likely will be" I say and look at all of my work that was left before beginning to get as much done as my security detailed loaded up and came to my work.

As I got to the last file I flipped to the back and signed my signature before setting it on the corner of my desk, I then picked up the envelope and opened it finding three photos one of me walking into work, one of me behind the wheel, and another of my car seemingly before it was moved to the basement, then I flipped them over to find them numbered which I places side by side and read the message.

I know where you work, I know what you drive, I know your soul, and I know your desires, but I never knew you. Watch yourself.

The last two words weren't by the same person and it made me wonder why it was written like that, but none the less shivers ran down my spine reading it. Slipping the images back into the envelope I put it in my coat and walked out of the office shutting my door behind me before exiting the building as quickly as I could and walking outside to find two big Brabus trucks with my car in the middle and being checked at all angles.

Rounding the vehicle I slipped inside and looked around using my mirrors to find out where the pictures could have been taken from but I also wanted to get away from here and so I made short work of leaving with the two large matte black vehicles on either side of me the whole way back to Steinway Tower.
The next chapter will be the fitting, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


The Devils Of New YorkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora