Chapter Twenty Four

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The next morning I was woken up by Nathan who had wrapped his arms around my and was softly kissing my face and whispering things I couldn't make out while doing so.

"Good morning Nathanial" I whisper and he stops before cupping the side of my face.

"Good morning love, how did you sleep?".

"Not long enough, I want to stay here all day" I admit clutching onto him and cuddling back into his chest while keeping eye contact with him.

"Well as much as I'd love to lie here with you and stare into your eyes I have to shower, put on a suit and go to work for ten hours".

"It's unfortunate that you can't stay here instead you have to shower in your million dollar bathroom in your sixty million dollar penthouse, to put on your twenty thousand dollar suit, fifty thousand dollar watch and sixteen thousand dollar shoes before going to get in your half a million dollar car. Very sad" I muse a smile playing at my lips since I did tease him like this and he knew it was teasing.

"It could all vanish in a second and I'd still be happy because I have you" he says using his thumb to move hair off of my face and behind my ear.

"You know you would miss your cars".

"You're worth giving it all up. If you told me one day you don't want to be in the public eye, I'd find a plot of land somewhere, and build a house on it for us. I would do that for you. No one could hurt you and I certainly will make sure no one gets to damage who me and my family are".

"How did the connection between you all start, the whole time I've been with you the Winters, Harrington, Niles, and Ambrose Families have stayed by one another through everything?" I ask and Nathan pulls in a breath.

"It goes back to when my late grandfather was alive, those four families stuck together through college when they met, and every since then all four never gave up on one another. We've always been like brothers in that way. Family is power to all of us and we grew up like one large one" he explains running a hand through his hair.

"Explains why not even the government goes after you all, third generation New York untouchables" I laugh and it brings a small smile to Nathan's lips.

"Speaking of untouchables, if you choose to stay home invite the girls over for a while I'm sure you all will have fun, typically do".

"I still have work I need to do" I groan not particularly happy that I have to look over the past months of work on my own through PDF files. Believe it or not it's not terribly easy at times since I usually have a team around me to back me on it all but still I'll manage.

"Want to do mine I get to look through over forty gigabytes of video feed to try and get facial recognition software to clear up on who the person who broke into my server room was" Nathan sighs.

"And how complicated is that?" I ask.

"Considering it's a multi million dollar system I have to figure out what happened to the system to scramble clarity sensors, so I'll likely be doing a sensor check to find out why it only worked on cameras that were front facing towards him" he says rolling to the edge of the bed and getting out from under the covers.

"Sounds complicated".

"It is unfortunately" Nathan remarks disappearing into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.

Deciding it was best to get up as well I got up and remade the bed before walking into the closet to take one of my fuzzy robes and a pair of leggings before going downstairs to make coffee.

Getting into the lobby I looked out to see that it was once again raining in New York City with distant black clouds jutting out lighting flashes at random though I could almost see Alpine from here though it would be impossible to make out the house that Nathan had bought.

The Devils Of New YorkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora