Chapter Seven

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After work had ended that day Arilynn and I had gone home and changed into casual clothing before going down to the garage and unlocking the M5 mostly as a way of avoiding recognition especially since we were driving to New Jersey and there really wasn't much conspicuous about a black BMW followed by a G-Wagon.

Absolutely nothing of note.

It also wouldn't matter because almost no one was going to be looking outside at this time so I'd be able to avoid being seen and even if I was there was numerous vehicles just like mine in New York City.

Slipping into the front seat I started the car while Arilynn hopped in next to me, and buckled her seat as I drove out of the garage palming the wheel to turn as I buckled my own seat and zipped up the leather jacket I was wearing since it was cold out.

Pulling out of the garage I looked around to make sure I wasn't about to hit anyone all the while Vesper soon followed in one of the eight security vehicles that would be in the main garage of Steinway Tower.

I then slowly drove off relaxing into my seat and feeling like how I did years ago when I was in Junior Year and was still young and reckless. When I got my Aston Martin after saving money for years in order to get it. I could still recall all the years of memories that I had leading to here and then I could find the moment I met Arilynn and it all played all over again. All the memories, the ease in which our relationship flowed. She was everything to me and I knew she would be for a very long time. Forever if I could make time stop.

Looking over at her I took in her face, the peace, and relaxation that she seemed to just seep from the edged with. It was sort of funny to me how a bubbly girl fell in love with my quiet, brooding, reactive self.

Driving across the bridge into Jersey City I took the exit to the north and decided it would be nice to drive up along the Hudson River and the various boroughs of New Jersey.

Eventually I turned into the area known as Alpine which was filled with several extremely expensive homes. As we passed several of the large nice homes I just followed the road more then anything. Arilynn however seemed to be doing the same thing as me and was looking around at the homes.

"Look at that one" she points out and I find myself looking at one of the nicest homes I'd ever seen and yet it still seemed well suited to the area and not entirely out there for design or scale. Theo's Grandparents also lived here so there was also the fact that it had billionaires who lived here that made it seem more fitting for Arilynn and I.

"It's beautiful, from what I can see" Arilynn says looking from the house to me as I vetted it.

The home had also been hidden behind a wall with tall trees providing only small glimpses of it through the gate though trees covered that too and I wondered just what the house truly looked like once past the gate though I couldn't tell from this distance and this late into the day.

"I like it though we may have to come back to look at it when we have daylight" I muse and she hums in agreement.

Looping around the culd-a-sac I drove off back towards the main road to find my way to the house that was farther away into New Jersey, though still in Alpine.

Pulling up the driveway of the wedding planners house I slowed to a stop in the driveway and got out of the car along with Arilynn. I then heard Vesper get out too and slip her handgun into the holster on the side of her trousers as all three of us walked up to the front door.

"Is the gun needed?" Arilynn asks furrowing her eyebrows.

"Always, especially with the recent news of our engagement, give it a few weeks then we won't need to be followed by bodyguards all the time" I say reassuringly beore knocking on the door and waiting for the wooden panel to open which it did after a moment and a light brown haired man stood in semi formal clothing looking at us.

"Welcome Nathan, and Arilynn. Please come in" the designer says before extending his hand.

"Danial, good to meet you both" he greets moving aside and letting us into a very traditional styled home before leading us into a large office space that had various theme designs, along with colour and an incredibly large screen that I assume was for displaying how the wedding would look.

"Please sit, there is a mini bar to your right though all I have is water and a few juices. I haven't been able to restock for clients. So I hope what I have suffices" Danial says wlaking behind a walnut desk and sitting down at a screen that I could just see peeking over the edge of the desk before the large screen lit up and a configurator style was displayed to show what the wedding would look like.

"So let's start with time of year that typically can help show what else will look best for when the wedding is planned, any time frame you two would be looking at?" the designer asks folding his hands as Arilynn and I looked at one another.

"Summer perhaps" Arilynn says and I nod in agreement.

"Anywhere specific for the wedding, I have a long list of venues both inside and outside the United States".

"Marbella, Spain. It's an important place to us" I reply filling a glass with lychee juice and handing it to Arilynn along with pouring one for myself. By the time I'd put the jug back Danial had pulled up an image of Marbella though Arilynn and I were both looking at it scrupulously.

"The hills perhaps from our home which overlooks the city" Arilynn says and the image changes after to be set in a floral garden along with the alter placed under a gazebo though that detail was likely not intended though fitting.

"Colour theme?".

"That will probably take a bit to figure out especially since some fabrics because of dye are heavier and I doubt anyone wants to be in something heavy in Marbella's sun" I say and this time it is Arilynn who agrees with me.

"I will exclude clothing style since you two will likely talk about that and figure out theme, so I guess styling is the next option, and size of the wedding".

"Small, maybe fifty people including family and friends" my fiance says, "for styling maybe just a few silk streamers weaved along the backs of the chair tops. Both the amount of people and the styling is brought onto screen.

"Carpet down the middle probably going to be marble, that can be brought in for this one day" I add and that is also put up onto the screen.

"Other decorations, if you can think of any?" Danial asks looking between us and I stop to think for a moment.

"A truss structure made of wood going over top the sitting area and aisle, it would allow some decoration ability with flowers and possibly fairy lights if we have an evening marriage ceremony" I suggest.

"That would be a good idea then it would mean no one gets too warm, and its simple and quick, no massive complex process covering the whole day" Arilynn says and I nod though I'm mentally laughing at how similar Arilynn and I are when it came to the amount of people around us.

"Okay that could go there" Danial mutters before anything that didn't have a colour was there.

"I like how it looks" I say and Arilynn nods.

"I do too" I say.

"Okay well I will save this and once colour is figured out, we can complete things along with figure out sizing scale and other factors" Danial says giving us both a smile.

"Yes that is fair" I say with a stiff nod.

"Well, give me a call and I will fit you both in for a time once the colour theme is decided" he says and Arilynn and I thank him before standing and walking out of the house back towards the car with Vesper not far behind us.

"That was quick" Vesper says and I nod rounding the car and slipping back into the BMW and waiting for Vesper to back out of the driveway with us in front of her before we began driving back towards New York.

Update completed. I hope you all like it also I have ended up with another book idea as a way of doing the Leon and Kiera story so stay tuned until July. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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