Chapter Twenty Six

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For the past few days Scarlett admitting that she remembered had been stuck in my head for a while. Arilynn knew, I'd told her that night and she was just as shocked as me, and spent the large part of the weekend helping me figure out what I was going to do when I saw her next to begin work on setting up security systems at her banks that would create more security for the bank accounts since I was having my team make all kinds of things just for Louviere Financial. They certainly weren't the most advanced we had available, and it wasn't because I didn't trust Scarlett it was that I never let Winters Group Tech leave the company as a general rule to not have it stolen, and all of the people that made those schematics had to sign NDA's before even being offered any kind of information.

Now I was on my way to Saint Laurent Law Group to talk to Vanessa about what had been stolen in case things were leaked which I had a suspicion it would since one could simply take pictures of the screen to get all that information along with math figures to find out what I was making in a year. It certainly had the ability to become a very big issue very quickly if I wasn't careful about how I went about it, and it would take class and various other things. But mostly what I wanted to know was behind the theft because it would be someone trustworthy enough to have not been stopped by security.

Perhaps they weren't even noticed you can't get to know two thousand people because everyone worked on a different floor.

Pulling the Lamborghini sharply to the curb under pouring rain I slipped out from the car followed by my security in the four Mercedes sedans that had flanked my journey to Vanessa's law firm. Looking around while rain pelted my skin I swiftly shut the door and locked it as I wrapped my black overcoat over myself. The twelve black suited security guards then divided with half following behind me as I neared the front door of the building. Reaching the spinning door I was let in before a doorman took my coat and hung it on a silver post with various other coats on it.

I then swiftly moved through the building catching onto some of the looks I received from others and I slowly had realized why I was backed by security while having dressed in a charcoal tailored suit, and arrived in a Lamborghini. I was the very thing that I tried to separate myself from, I wasn't as conflicted or dangerous as my father but I was some of the same traits that characterized all Winters that took the helm of our family company, which now included my two sisters, we were driven, silent, secretive power players in the business world, our decisions and desires were law and anyone who questioned them was let to exist with their money and power so long as it didn't threaten what we wanted.

Thinking back I was all those things even as a child attending prestigious private schools, I stayed contacted to my friends, I never gave into anything other then what I thought was right, I excelled in school. I had used my need to succeed, to follow in my dad's footsteps, and I'd only gone through that stage during Thornbrook when I was surrounded by his successes there. Everything after was me, the choice to manipulate investors, to control deals, to break into new fronts for the Winters name. To only step in when things effected me or the people and things I cared about. I had become exactly what people called me, the joking name had become a fitting title.

The Wolf of New York City.

God knows I fitted the name perfectly, I stuck to my group of friends, and family, and I did hunt down those that tried to harm them, I did things for the interests of them and only them.

Stepping into the elevator I pressed the button for the top floor of the building and was quickly carried up the twenty stories along with two of my security that stuck with me while the other four remained in the lobby.

With a ping the doors opened once more and I walked out resting one hand in my pocket and took in the modern design of the place with some gothic elements that made the glass exterior seem like a skin to an old building. Arriving at the desk of Vanessa's assistant Gabriel I looked down at the man and gave him a curt nod.

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