Chapter Seventy Seven

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Nathanial Winters

Today was the day. Today was the day I'd promised Arilynn again and again would come, the day I told her would happen when I got down on one knee on that sandy moonlit beach in Marbella. Today was the day I got to see the woman I loved more then anything be adorned in white as she came down the aisle, she was going to be my wife known to us, and our friends. To those of our family, and uncertified but still officially married. I was now hers and she was mine indefinitely until the day we died, when our souls would be departed once more to move to the next life.

I was standing in the closet of the secondary master suite, with Lucian, Zavier, August, Theo, Julian, Arden, and Michael all in the room with me as I pulled on my tie and double Windsor knotted it around my neck. I then stood straight, before taking a few steps back to look at myself in the full length wooden framed mirror. Brushing down my suit, I straightened it and turned to face the boys.

"You look great mate, it'll be all good" Lucian says as he straightened his glasses.

"Thanks Harrington" I smile before I heard the door open and my parents walk in.

"Look at my boy, he's all fucking grown up" my dad says walking over to me before opening his arms and wrapping them around me. "You'll be a great husband to her".

"How do you know that?" I ask looking at him as he stepped back.

"Because you've been treating her like she was worth more then your fortune since the day you met her. You're just stuck with her for the rest of your life now".

"That happened a long time before now" Zavier laughs and I give him a death glare in response.

 "Go fuck yourself Ambrose and look pretty" I reply.

"You think I'm pretty thanks buddy" he smirks.

"Go respectfully fuck a cactus" I scoff evening out the pocket square I wore in double peaks.

"You're an aggressive guy for someone about to get married" Michael mutters.

"That's because Zavier has the fantastic ability to annoy me" I reply and this time it's everyone but Zavier who laughs. "At this rate I'll need to get my suit repressed".

"Zavier out before Nathan kills you" we all hear someone say before noticing Scarlett standing in the door frame with a green dress on which wasn't always her colour but I guess she also didn't want to stand out since today was Arilynn and I's day.

"Scarlett" I greet happy to see her along with the seemingly shy Derek who seemed to be apprehensive since all of us boys had shown up to give him a visit and now he was free though he hadn't been told why, and he never would.

"Thank you for inviting us to your wedding, everything looks amazing" Scarlett says all while the room had everyone walk out to head towards the outdoor area where people were gathering before the ceremony would start.

"Of course, you're like a sister to me after all so you were going to be coming regardless" I say and she gives me an amused smile.

"Did you decide that or did Arilynn".

"Both of us agreed that it would be a good idea, plus history won't repeat itself here, unless it's for a good marriage" I say looking at one of my life long friends.

"I'm sure it will be. You two have always been devoted to one another and, have always been there to support the other. Honestly if I was allowed to make a best friend speech I would" Scarlett says as Derek walks into the room and settles himself into the corner.

"Derek why are you hiding?" I ask and he perks up for a second.

"Because I was told I was free and have only been allowed to travel for a month. I'm waiting for someone to publicly link me to all the shit that Richard and Selina did" he says shifting a step forward but not stopping near me.

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