Chapter Six

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Nathanial Winters

The Aston protested the speed in which I made it stop central to the doors of Winters Group Tower, and slipped out of the car locking it from the door and shutting it before walking into the tower to go to my first meetings which I'd be prepping for and then going directly too.

Climbing the steps I entered the high ceilinged room that went up several floors in a curve until stopping where a long crystal chandelier hung casting light around the room.

"Good morning Mr. Winters" the receptionist Laura says straightening her glasses and giving me a small smile. She was essentially the work mom for many of the staff which was a piece that I liked about this company was that everyone here could do their jobs and problem solve them without difficulty. The community like compliance with one another was nice too.

"Morning" I bid before walking to the elevator and stepping inside where not one person was, though there were four in this tower that went to the top floor and four more that only went halfway.

Pressing the button for the two hundred twentieth floor I spent the time correcting my suit through the minute ascension to the top most floor of the building.

With a ding the door opened and I was let out of the car that ran along rails that were angled extremely powerful magnets with sensors around the elevator cylinder to tell the magnets how to angle themselves to push the car up the rails. Winters Group Tower was also a continually advancing structure thus meaning that every ten years my father had reupdated everything in terms of technology. The interior remained timeless and probably always would.

Crossing the marble floor that clicked with every footstep aside from my silent ones as I paced to my office. Pushing open the tall black doors I entered the wooden paneled room with black shelves and flooring along with carefully selected furniture being placed by the fire place. The general design hadn't changed but it had been altered to fit me better. I wanted the room to have multiple sitting areas so that I could have my office be as functional for my long hours as I could.

Rounding the desk I pulled off my jacket and hung it in the corner of the room before sitting down behind the desk and opening my laptop before looking over the vast schedule for the day and leaning back into my chair.

It was at that moment that my Personal Assistant Tatyana walked through my door dressed in complete white with red bottomed heels, and a black YSL purse hanging from her arm. The excentric and doting assistant that she was on the surface covered the truth that she was incredibly smart, and efficient in everything that I ever asked of her.

"Good morning sir, I have your schedule sent to your email, along with brought you your morning coffee, a mocha cappuccino today, though you could use the extra sugar to get through your meetings today" her rich slavic accent a staplenote of her along with the dark neatly styled hair atop her head that currently had blonde highlights. Sharp and efficient I would be lying if I said my assistant who was mere months older then myself didn't hold at least half my work day together.

"Thank you Tatyana, what do I have today, please tell me, while I prepare for my meeting, we can go over it before I head off to my first meeting of the day.

"So after your eight thirty meeting you have a two hour working period before you have to meet with the proxy CEO's for the eight separate companies that are under Winters Group outside of the main subsidiary network. That will conclude at eleven. After that you have another meeting about with the media teams about your engagement, though that isn't locked in, I wanted to ask you about that first" Tatyana informs looking up from her tablet that she managed a large amount of my requests and day's effort on.

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