Chapter Thirty Six

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I had listened fervently to my fathers advice and like he asked I sat in the living room of my living room the grey sky outside providing a vintage look to the living room like a painting with slightly dirty resin poured over it. The fireplace was the only display of true light, casting flickering fulvous light across the white veins contract to the black marble. A spiral glass was cradled between my fingers while I looked into the fire in thought.

Seated in one of two king sized leather chairs with my feet up on a round bench I was drumming my fingers on the armrest and putting together all the pieces in my head, the events of the past month, and all of the things that filled it. Marbella trip, the engagement, reuniting with Scarlett, meetings, making a clear example of how the rest of the years projects would go, the beginning of my house being built. Nothing jumped out at me, except the sudden breach of my personal information that I was actually quite displeased with.

I wanted to know what had convinced someone that breaking into my server room stealing four minutes of data, and then leaving was a brilliant idea. However I also wanted to know what had been making it so that the camera's blurred so that the face couldn't be clearly seen.

I knew it would be a similar system to what blurred images so I had my team looking into reverse coding that specific program and then applying it to the operational systems of Winters Group security cameras.

Not that I think anyone will be dumb enough to break into WGI Headquarters anymore.

However the thing I hated most about being the CEO was that I was gone from New York so much over the next few months when I didn't really want to, like Tatyana had informed me that I would be going to Tokyo at the end of November, and that someone had contacted my legal team from the city of New York about money that I made and supposedly didn't pay tax one when actually I did pay my taxes in the agreed upon way discussed decades ago. Along with a number being put into the press that wasn't right stating I made forty billion a year this now meant that my net worth was pegged at a quarter of a trillion dollars so now I was placed on Forbes top 400 which I didn't want to be.

Who would want to damage my image?

Natalia was in jail for links to defamation of character, and connection to the attempted vehicular murder of Scarlett. Both the De'Vincent's were in jail for attempted murder, various threats, and resisting arrest, Kennith Louviere was in jail for the attempted vehicular murder of Scarlett, several counts of defamation of character, several counts of blackmail, forgery, and the attempted murder of Arilynn, along with property damage.

People may not always like me, and I was working to get all that stuff removed which likely would be done by the time I got home to New York but I wasn't exactly aware of anyone who would coordinate this kind of effort especially with the amount of respect I garnered from the people of New York. Both my sisters had made a statement to the public about the falsity of these allegations and openly admitted to the ongoing investigation around the theft. There plan was to make whoever did it be on edge for a while since they would have to come up with something better especially since I had the power to hire whoever I wanted as my lawyer.

Vanessa however agreed to be my lawyer and she knew that I'd pay her whatever she wanted if she won this case for me. I'd probably even insist on doing so because that was just how family worked.

As I took another sip from my glass I heard the first crack of lightning, and leaned back into my chair while the flash illuminated the room.

I wanted to know who had done it though, and there wasn't a single clue especially since I had no idea who was behind all of this perpetrating the ridiculous notion that stealing from me would go well.

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