Chapter Sixteen

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Arilynn Hamilton

We'd found out early the next morning that the expansion plan Nathan had scheduled for vineyards had included going to Virginia. However he had woken up at five and had been furiously making sure every little detail was perfect.

Walking downstairs Nathan stood in the living room expectedly dressed formally in light grey trousers and a white dress shirt along with brown Oxford shoes.

"Dobroho ranku, Tatyana, meni potribno, shchob vy perekonalysya, shcho tsi uhody zakryti ta zaversheni, a takozh zavershennya zemelʹnykh pretenziy i zavantazhennya tsystern, shchob tse mozhna bulo zrobyty ta pidhotuvaty do toho, yak na zymu ziyde snih" he says and I blink a few times feeling like I was imagining things but he was polylingual.

"Thank you" he says reverting back to English and turning to me as he hung up.

"Good morning Nathan" I say walking over to him and leaning up to kiss him.

"Good morning Arilynn" he says pocketing his phone. "Tatyana said she's managing the outside details for starting the vineyards".

"How much is that going to cost you?" I ask knowing that if Nathan did anything he'd practically hand over a blank check. He lived in an endless stream of money for investments but I couldn't blame him.

"Fifty million" Nathan says walking towards the lobby and pulling out a key.

"What are we taking to the north of Virginia?" I ask and he just holds up the key fob flashing the red oval surrounding the Bugatti logo.

"Only the best" he smirks before pressing the button to open the elevator and stepping inside with me not far behind in my white and silver wrap dress.

"We're taking the Bugatti to Virginia, which is infamous for speeding tickets".

"That's if they can catch me" Nathan scoffs and I just shake my head while laughing. "There isn't a police officer in the United States who can chase me down".

"That's probably because you drive like every highway is an F1 track" I tease and he just quirks his eyebrows for a split second.

"And?" he muses as we got down to the garage and stepped out and headed towards the Bugatti which ran its light cycle as Nathan unlocked the car.

"Can I pull it out of the garage?" I ask and he stares at me before pressing his lips together.

"I drove your DBS" I point out and he looks at the Chiron and then back at me as he put on his sunglasses.

"This, absolutely not. I love you and I trust you but you're not driving my four million dollar car".

"What if I buy my own Chiron" I ask.

"Then you wouldn't need to drive mine, and we could drive ours together" he reasons and I mentally picture it.

Okay I'd do it then.

"I'll find one, and buy it then" I say taking out my phone as I got into the passenger seat of the car.

Nathan then drove the car off towards the ramp and out onto New York Streets while two Range Rovers pulled out after us filled with our security.

As he exited New York he made sure he was on the highway and sped up significantly and got over a lane. I also understood why both father and son liked this specific car. It was fast as hell and was extremely comfortable.

Makes sense why this was Olivia's favourite car in Adrian's garage. It's mine too.

Nathan also had this weird skill to make all of our road trips take half the time because he understood being in the passing lane meant doing minimum ten over and he did that normally so by the time we were in Maryland it had only been two hours.

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