Chapter Forty Five

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The jet landed in Vail and just as I finished my flute of champagne because I didn't often have any except for events and gatherings like this. I hadn't expected them all to be coming along to any degree but it did make going to Vail for any period of time more enjoyable because of their presence. 

Looking out of the window at the runway and the surrounding area that was dusted in a layer of frost making the grass appear much like the fake Christmas trees that people filled their living rooms with every December. The mountains were equally as effected with white capped tops, and emerald foliage covering the sides in patches where there wasn't severe drops from cliffs.

Other planes smaller then my Gulfstream but still present enough for me to know that other wealthy people decided being here was a good idea at this time of year and I couldn't blame them.

As a young child growing up to learn that I would only get the things I owned by working for them was a key instrument in who I turned out to be. Growing up with money fucked kids up, they always came off as snobby and superior in an uncomfortable way like they were on the edge of sneering down their pointed noses at anyone who was a dollar shy of their daddy's trust fund.

I was given some right to money but my parents had made it clear that they would be treating me like a normal kid until I demonstrated that I understood the value of money.

All of us were taught that despite dressing in impeccable clothing, and driving the fastest cars every made, we weren't to ever act like we were better then another person ever.

Places like Vail where people went with money to get away from major cities made me feel normal, and it was probably why I will make the effort to go to exclusive locations around the world with my family as often as I get.

Eventually the plane slowed to a stop outside a hanger and was backed into the space before Lily lowered the ramp and we all stood after returning the chairs to normal positioning and walked off down to the five GMC Yukon's lined up in a half circle for all of us to get into.

Leading Arilynn to the front most one we slipped inside and one of the PPO's got into the front seat since there would be an absence of Vesper for another hour.

Buckling our seats we rounded the plane and drove off in a convoy towards Vail since we were in Eagle instead of the town where the house was.

Looking out the windows of the SUV I took in the rustic almost Tudor styling of the buildings here, it was peaceful in a way with the sun glowing down against the cobbles of the structures and the windows reflecting the image of the traffic and the people walking around.

The cars eventually moved off the highway high up into the forested hills until pulling into the gate of the enormous hillside home I owned that had views of Vail and the ski slopes.

Stopping we all slid out and took in the dark stone and siding contrasted against the the wooden elements that made the house seem welcoming and in many cases more grand.

Opening the double doors I let them all into a wide open space with the living room not far from the entryway that had closets on either side of us for our stuff though we all just took off our shoes and walked off in various directions through the large home.

"My only rule for being here is don't break anything can you manage that Ambrose" I say and he gives me a 'really' expression since he was known to break things at times when he was distracted, or not paying attention.

"I will purposely break something if you keep making that jab" he says as a few laughs left people's lips.

"Oh I'm sure" I muse before letting them all disappear while I walked into a small lounge area off of the kitchen and dining room and filled a glass with lime water. The sun was illuminating everything in the house and providing an orangish glow despite it being half past ten in the morning. The fireplace crackled behind me, and the smell of a candle burning somewhere in the house had filled the entire home in a warm vanilla smell along with the scent of musk that made an almost cinnamon roll scent.

"Looking over the city?" Arilynn asks walking over to me and putting on arm around me and leaning against my shoulder.

"Always" I laugh, "mostly I'm looking at the mountains, I like how much I can see from up here".

"You're always used to seeing a lot you work in a skyscraper" she points out.

"Except no view is more beautiful unless you're there the enjoy it with me" I say and the soft blush that I adored so much rose to her face.

"Such a flirt" Arilynn says looking up at me with those bright brown eyes, and I couldn't deny that despite brown being the most common eye colour I knew hers by heart and would be able to tell if it was her just off of that one feature.

"Only for you love" I reply wrapping her in my arms. "We should probably go see what they all are doing though" I add and she nods.

"I'll go collect the girls," I then watch her leave and walk off to go find all of the boys though it didn't take any vast amount of time they were in the bar area downstairs playing a game of pool, and split off into two groups while Lucian was stirring a mug of rather creamy looking espresso.

"Go for the corner pocket right here" I say and Theo shifts where he was aiming before hitting the solid blue ball in before potting the purple and yellow ball though he missed the red one.

"Where would you aim" Zavier asks and I notice the green and maroon ball before pointing directly between them.

"Medium hard" I say and he does so knocking both balls in to the left corner pockets and then moves on to the yellow, and red ball, along with the blue, before scratching the orange ball.

"Fuck" Zavier mutters and Theo passes the cue to Julian who got the orange ball in and then the maroon, though he fumbled the shot after.

August then takes the cue before getting the purple ball and the orange in.

"Left middle pocket" Derek says taking the cue and striking the 8 ball so hard the cue ball just stopped and spun in place.

Good shot.

"Boys, are you coming upstairs or hiding?" Izzy calls down and we all just shake our heads.

"Off we go gentlemen before my sister herds us upstairs with a shotgun" I mutter eliciting dry laughter from everyone before we walked upstairs and into the living room where the girls sat talking amongst themselves.

"So what's the plan for today?" Scarlett asks.

"I have work to do, I know my lovely fiancé planned this so that I wouldn't but I do have a few things to do before I can do nothing" I say excusing myself from them all and walking off to the office that was on the far side of the house where I shut the double doors and sat down behind the padauk wood desk and opened the computer before beginning to go through all of the information about what my private investigators had learned about from the trial and the theft of information which led them to an unmarked laptop in an abandoned warehouse.

It was then that the door opened and Arilynn stuck her head through the space.

"We're going for a high through the ski trails, Theo and Michael mentioned they wanted to go for lunch" she says.

"Okay, I will probably still be here when you all come back. I won't work too hard though, promise" I assure and she nods.

"I love you be safe, throw an acorn at Zavier for me".

"I love you too, also will do" Arilynn says with a playful smile and slips out of the door closing it behind her leaving me to sigh and keep reading through the information in front of me.
Alright it is completed which is good I will now be able to write tomorrows update, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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