Chapter Thirty Nine

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Walking downstairs I walked into the large kitchen and made a pot of coffee while setting up my phone since I had to immediately get on a call with security so that I could leave the building without being seen, and remain subtle.

"Good morning Miss Hamilton" Gwen says sounding cheerful as I began putting together some kind of parfait to at least put something in my body so that I don't feel like I'm being eaten from the inside.

"Good morning Gwen, what do I have for travel options today?" I ask knowing that my Rolls had been taken back to Steinway Tower which still had news and media surrounding the front doors to the point that building security had to clear them from the door and garage entries.

"Mostly sedans, anything that you can really think of is down here though" she replies as I began mixing in the granola to the yogurt before I'd slice strawberries.

"Is there an S8 down there?" I ask and she hums back affirmation. "That will be what I choose" I add.

"Okay, I will have it ready for you, when should I pull it out?" Gwen asks as I hear a beep in the background.

"Five minutes I'll be down" I say putting what I used to make my breakfast away and began eating.

"See you in five then" she replies and hangs up leaving me to drink my coffee, and eat through my breakfast.

As I finished my meal I walked to the door and put on shoes just before the door opened and I was allowed to step into the car, and went down to the lobby before walking out and to the S8 that Gwen was driving before swiftly leaving the area towards Hamilton Enterprises at the same time that the Mercedes convoy left Steinway that would go to Winters Group and remain there all day until six thirty and then return back to the tower, though tonight I'd be going to see Nathan who would be landing tonight.

Looking out of the tinted back windows at the city around me I felt more and more each day like one of many rulers that resided over the city, I wasn't the wealthiest but I'd learned around actual billionaires that influence had more potential then any amount of money. There was people with money but the amount of connections that I was completely unaware of that Nathan and his friend group could just call on became mine within the first year of me living with him here in New York.

I never expected it to ever be needed either but now I spotted people standing outside the courthouse declaring that the trial be cancelled because it had been proven untrue, and the settlement had been done and still there would be a trial for Nathan. The public didn't want it, and the mayor of New York even stated that it was ridiculous to have it when government agreement proved that Nathan and Winters Group upheld the agreement every year.

Mostly I just couldn't wait for the drama to end, but this was the life we chose. I would support Nathan through this though no matter what just as I know he would support me through my pregnancy.

When the car parked outside of Hamilton I got out and stonily made my way inside ignoring the people that were beginning to gather outside.

"Someone make sure no one gets in. Anyone enters and isn't an employee, kick them out for trespassing" I declare as I crossed the room to the elevators and stepped inside.

Pressing the button for the top floor I leaned back against the elevator with my legs crossed as it carried me to my floor.

Eventually the doors opened and I walked out, met by Hannah who began listing off what I had going on for the day which mostly was meetings that I had been on the whole way to work which was why I needed the backseat.

As I entered my office I found almost a dozen files that needed to be dealt with which told me I'd be going though today on calls and attempting to do work.

Setting down my bag I opened the top file and took out a pen along with a notepad to know what was talked about along with to make file notes.

Calling the first person I began looking over all of the designs that had been approved and deciding which model that was available would do what outfit.

There was also the organizing of my time off in mid December for the Marbella trip there was also my part in the funding of the Winters Charity Gala. We all had to pay for some part of it if we were a Winters or were linked to one.

Thirty people paying possibly upwards of ten million.

As I got to the third file and second call I began looking at what my contribution would be which was to help select a theme for the event so I had much like many painting offices had dozens of colours and mockups of what the night would look like. It was a lot more complicated too especially since I had to make the event stand out but also not draw too much attention to what was going on at the gala.

As I began moving through things I began deciding on colour theme since it would be the easiest to manage, and I also could picture a lot of it since most of the people that would be going would wear dark colours or darker shades of colours since it was a black tie event. Deciding on a mix of blue, purple, and a steely grey colour I began drawing out roughly what I could picture for it and how it could be set up while remaining classy and not too standout-ish but still catch peoples attention.

Nathan's sisters had also decided on what the food and main courses would be, while Nathan hosted the whole event, their parents were funding most of it, and the Harrington's were managing security.

When I finally had all of it done I returned back to my initial work, and also the cup of coffee I had yet to actually take a sip from since I was on calls all of this morning.

There was also the amount of work I was now focusing on outside of the gala, and the slight worry I had that refused to leave me knowing that Nathan being Nathan would attempt to make everything in life perfect in his own way after learning that I was pregnant, and the attempts to oust him through any means possible.

It had been on my mind more then it probably should, and though I knew everything would be okay, it was still a heavy thought.

It's probably just all the hormones, though I doubt its normal this early.

As I set down my sixth completed file which was more then twenty pages thick I stopped working in hopes of getting something to eat which as I stood to go retrieve one of the meals from the Executive staff room I thought of a way to help Nathan find out who was behind the effort to stop them. Though I doubt Nathan would like the plan too much.
Alright it's short but it's simple, and is a set up for what is to come tomorrows chapter will be up fairly early I imagine, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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