Chapter Sixty Eight

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Arilynn Hamilton

My parents trial had been a long awaited media story for the past month. It had been on articles online, on the news, and even being talked about amongst a few of the firms that all knew that this would be a short lived trial, though interesting.

Though all of that was from a media stand point.

For me and the Winters it was mildly annoying especially considering Nathan had four of his security present during the trial so that he wouldn't commit crimes during session. 

Nathan and I had spent the past two weeks sitting in the trial each day and now today would be the final verdict day where the fate of my parents would be decided in the courts.

So here we were once more dressed formally on our way to the courthouse in Downtown Manhattan. Vesper sat in the front seat of the Phantom and both Nathan and I had chosen to at least attempt to look put together even if we weren't. He had told his security to watch him, and I was more worried about my parents being let off then Nathan not being able to restrain himself.

Tolerance was something that he'd been big on convincing himself he could do, and getting himself to actually practice it. His self restraint was good though I knew there would always be an angry version of Nathan that he lived with then caged.

As the car stopped and we got out I watched as the news crews seemed to turn and focus all of their attention on us while questions were called out and ignored while our security made a path for us to get to the building and enter without being disturbed by the masses that had formed outside all while the lawyers and judicial staff were arriving from a separate entrance.

Entering the large hall of stone and marble with various security guards walking around to make sure that the public stayed outside and didn't disrupt the proceedings inside the building. This was also something that would change my life and the life of the child I was carrying since my parents wouldn't stop until I had whatever predetermined fate that they had taken into their own hands.

I could pick up on all of the tension too, the room was filled with it, there was numerous people who all seemed to be shifting in place wondering when the trial was going to begin, and what the result would be. Years of being in an office where every decision effected someone somewhere I had gotten pretty used to reading people's expressions except the stony ones of the Winters though I had given up on trying to figure them all out as I didn't need to, the family was vocal when it mattered so I wasn't going to try and get anything out of them.

"You look nervous love" Nathan says putting a hand on the small of my back and looking down at me with a comforting smile.

"I'm just worried that my parents will be pardoned and then I will have to hide in some country where no one would find me" I admit and Nathan nods.

"There is so much pinning everything on the Hamilton's that you have nothing to worry about Arilynn, and if they do get pardoned I will make sure that they never get anywhere near you or me ever again" Nathan says consoling me as people gathered to enter the courtroom.

"How can you be so sure?" I ask staring up at him.

"Because if I can't put them in jail I can make it so they have to leave the country, I have multiple plans if they are needed, though my parents have been silent the past few days so I have no idea what they are up to" he says looking over to his dad who was talking to his own lawyers who had come as backups in the event Nathan's weren't able to come.

The doors to the courtroom opening however completely changed how that went and almost immediately I walked in following Nathan and his PPO's along with the lawyers that were on payroll. As we reached our seats Nathan, myself, and our security remained standing before my parents were brought in along with their lawyers before the judge entered and looked around the room at all of us.

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