Chapter Fifty

53 5 1

Nathanial Winters

That night I was sitting in my office once again though everyone was out in the living room watching a movie, the boys had several different cases of beers and coolers, the women weren't drinking as their way of supporting Arilynn and I simultaneously had the folder for the investigation open, and another tab that was showing the general cost of expansion for my casinos all while I looked into the various other industries I hoped to get into since sungenre of industries which would help the other separate companies that were under the spider web of companies either with ownership stake investment or direct founding from Winters Group. It would scare people, certainly scared me.

"Remember son, everyone wants power. Once they have it they fear losing it, prey on that weakness, and protect yours".

Once more my dad's lessons over the years sunk in to my brain. I also had people working on getting the backup structures for Louviere financial made and constructed though I knew it would get done on time, all of that stuff always did. I may have been a little more tame compared to my dad, but I still expected order, and the ability to make things happen on time and efficently.

That was the bane to a private company, and particularly one that was as secrecy heavy as Winters Group, we were the backbone of the financial world, and not many could go against the company especially since it was as big as it had gotten. It had for over two decades been unable to be directly challenged, not one company had neared the scale of Winters Group for a long time. It wasn't rare to have a multi trillion dollar company now, most of them were state owned but many state owned companies held trillions in assets. I had access to what Winters Group's was but I knew any look at that would be a mistake even as CEO.

Trillions in Revenue, Assets, and Market Capitalization.

As a worked out evaluation the eight subgroups made thirty five point four percent of what the company did, the fifty investment companies made another six point five, and even other acquired assets made three point seven percent. However a large portion of that money went other places like paying the staff, and maintaining structures, paying for the power, keeping everything self sustained also meant that that money was really just trapped in a cycle, only leaving when aid and other amounts left the company to go elsewhere.

My main worry though was knowing that there was now someone who though had false information had the power to completely uproot everything that my family and I had built over the past quarter millenium. Governments and even whole countries had recieved aid from Winters Group and so by all accounts the company didn't make much if anything based off of that since everything was invested into something.

Lifting my phone from the desk as it vibrated against the wood I raised it to my ear after pressing the accept button.

"Mr. Winters we have a hit on who and where the information came from along with tracking down everything. Some very little heard of company in Kansas City, I could schedule you a plane and have you there in an hour and a half" Tatyana says into the phone adding the last bit almost slyly like we were planning to hide a body together.

She probably would if I asked politely.

"What is the name of this company?" I ask, "and what assets do I own in Kansas City".

"Ellipsis Corporation, supposedly has a value of a little over a hundred million dollars" she replies as the sound of clickidng keys could be heard even through the call.

"Don't inform them of my coming arrival, I want to see if I can confirm the accuracy of the name Ellipsis" I say with a hum as I pulled up the company with yet another tab and found a picture of the building that it was hosted in.

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