Chapter Twenty Nine

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Stepping out of the shower I dried off and glanced at my phone which sat by the sink to see that it was six at night and I had an hour to get dressed, and out to my car to get Tatyana then to the Hutong which in a normal situation an hour would be fine; however this was London and that would mean once again today I had to break speed laws to get to the places I needed to.

"Fuck sake" I mutter and rush out to my closet to pull on trousers a leather belt, and a short collared turtleneck so that I would have an overlap at my throat. I wasn't going to go all out but I'd learned how to style myself in a way that seemed put together but not eccentric, or gaudy.

Slipping on a pair of brown slightly pointed chelsea boots I pulled the hem of my trousers over the lip and walked back into the bathroom to style my hair properly so that I didn't look absolutely ridiculous though I realized that it was probably time to trim what I had going on with my facial hair and chose to cleanly shave it all off so that I was baby faced though age had allowed me to not look eighteen anymore.

Leaving my house I grabbed the Bugatti key and walked out to the brand knew vehicle before sliding into the front seat and driving off towards the Connaught hotel which wasn't very far from my home which I am pretty sure was an accident though Tatyana did often put herself near to where I was staying in the event of emergencies.

Driving along Hyde Park I glanced out at it and then back at the rain soaked roads that persisted in London no matter where one was, it was like this.

Welcome to the UK.

Spotting the hotel I rolled to the curb and stopped before getting out right as Tatyana came striding out in caramel coloured suede heels, and a royal purple dress that was quite simple with a golden belt around her waist. It was extremely subtle and was clearly meant to come off as sophisticated rather then seductive aligning perfectly with my assistant's go to of classy and professional.

"Mr. Winters" she says with a polite nod as I open the passenger door for her and step back to let her into the car.

Walking back around the car I then slipped back into the driver seat and start the car so that I could drive my assistant and I to dinner.

The odd thing to is Tatyana was used to me sticking to vehicles that were under half a million dollars and yet every once in a while I did something like this and drove a car my dad would have loved.

I also think it's for that Tatyana be given a gift dinner and ride in this car since she had been the literal only one to back me when I made Nexus and keep WGI working as efficiently as it was.

She probably got me the money to be able to buy this damn car anyways.

When I did eventually pull up to the restaurant entrance at the Shard I parked and slipped out followed by Tatyana who shut the door carefully and chose to press it shut rather then aggressively close it.

"Mr. Win-" Tatyana begins but I cut her off.

"Nathan" I correct.

"Nathan, why did you bring me out for dinner. The lunches make sense and it allows for us to plan the rest of your day, but an actual dinner, you flatter me" she says before going wide eyed and adding, "just not in that way".

"I know what you meant Tatyana. Don't worry" I say with a soft smile as we walked inside and towards the elevator.

"I wanted to do this as a thank you for everything you've done for me I'm the past seven years. You've been a support for me and both Nexus and Winters Group International. You're incredibly hard working and I believe in personal thanks" I explain as we stepped into the elevator and I pressed the button for the restaurant level.

"Well, thank you" Tatyana says giving me a grateful look that I return with a stiff but polite nod.

When the doors opened we walked out into a hallway with a sitting area to the left behind black artistic grated metallic covers with the opposing wall being covered in red glowing latterns and beyond was the main sitting area with full views over the Thames.

Walking through the hallway to the desk a waiter brought us to a window table that looked over London. The thousands of lights shining creating a depth to the city that isn't seen as well in the day.

Sitting I accepted the presented menu before setting it down at the left corner of the table.

"What can I get you both?".

"Champagne Ace of Spades" Tatyana says looking up at the waiter who gave her a smile.

"And for yourself sir" the waiter inquires looking to me.

"Glenfiddich Twelve neat" I say and both Tatyana and I's orders were written down before the waiter walked away towards the kitchen.

"So what do you think of the view from up here" I ask looking over at her and then back out at the city while attempting to make out landmarks and certain areas of the city.

"I think that I spend a lot of time looking down at my desk that I don't really let myself look outside" Tatyana replies and I just shake my head slightly.

"You can see the curvature of the earth from the top floor which I would have thought you'd have known, or what New York looks like at night" I say folding my hands on the table.

"No, not at all, I take a lot of your work that is too simple and mundane and deal with it in the free time that I get that's why you can always contact me from your office, along with how your schedule is prepared for the next day I work once I get home during dinner" Tatyana says completely unfazed by the fact that she had been giving her entire day and life for the past seven years to my business ventures.

I knew she worked hard, and did an absolute ton of work but the fact that she did work that I did as well made it all the more impressive to me. And more of a reason that I was glad she got paid OT on top of her three quarter of a million dollar salary.

"Why devote yourself so heavily to Winters Group International?" I ask watching the waiter come back and set down our glasses.

"Bring us the chef's favourites. We've never been here before and I think it could be a nice experience" I say looking up to the waiter who nodded.

"And requests".

"Anything with lemon, and almonds please".

"No shrimp" Tatyana says and the waiter then writes the note underneath the order I gave.

"I will be right back with that" he says once more giving a smile and walking off.

I watched him leave following the trail he made back to the kitchen and stopping and only two other tables before disappearing entirely behind the marble wall that separated the back from the dining area.

"To answer your question because I believe in what Winters Group stands for. A company with so much power has provided so much all across the world and still makes sure that the family that has run it for longer then you and I's ages put together means a lot to me. I was a refugee along with my family when things went bad in Ukraine. We came here for a better life I have been working since I was a fifteen or sixteen. I got a job at a Law Firm as an assistant at seventeen, and then a year and a half later I was your assistant" Tatyana says, "I found a better purpose then just fetching coffees all day, I got to be apart of something".

"And you ended up at the company that controls literally every industry it has holds in" I laugh knowing that she did get here by proving herself to the company, I just found it slightly funny that in ten years she went from working part time, to full time at the largest company on earth.

"I am a proud member of the five million staff".

"Well then, to your tenth year of employment, and seventh year as my assistant" I say raising my glass and gently clinking it against her champagne glass before taking a long sip and setting it back down to continue our conversation.
It's on the shorter side compared to recent but I have a fun point for when I get back to Arilynn. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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