Chapter Sixty Three

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When the plane landed in Nice I watched us be guided to a hanger as we had reached the city at eight at night with light rain falling over the city. A Brabus Rocket 900 sat parked near where the plane was stopped and Lily lowered the door so that we could walk out and down to the car which Nathan rounded with all of the class and demeanor of someone who was used to holding large sums of power lined in indifference.

"How you look so confident all the time I must know" I comment looking over at him under the starlight.

"Because I have you at my side, and two and a half decades of watching my dad's mannerisms, I am just continuing the legacy. I also have always been confident it just comes with having the boys to always back me up no matter my decisions. I took up the reins when they were set down so I had some things to live up to, and I did it all because I wanted too" Nathan says leaning on the roof of the car. "You've also never asked me that question before".

"I guess I just always observed it, also having the boys behind you really does make sense" I say before getting into the passenger seat and buckling myself in as Nathan got into the driver seat.

Starting the car he drove off towards Monaco, along with what would likely be busy streets of the city state. Reaching over he set his hand palm up on the console and I took it, feeling a slight pressure increase before it was released.

Night drives with Nathan were interesting especially in rain because this was how we started. A drive in the rain towards getting coffee. Perhaps it was always that simplicity that I had liked about our relationship, there weren't problems or cracks. He was was my rock through everything since Harvard, and now he was my rock through everything that had happened.

"Nathan, would you have shot my parents last night?" I suddenly ask just as fast as the thought occurred to me and he looks over at me.

"Yes, I would rather get charged because I protected you then live with the knowledge shitty people got to hurt you" he says bringing a small smile to my lips.

"Of course you'd willingly get charged for protecting someone" I laugh.

"Not just someone. The one" he corrects and I was grateful that it was dark because a crimson blush had sprung to my face.

"I love you Nathan" I say and he smiles softly as if he hadn't just told me he'd shoot someone for me.

"I love you just as much Arilynn, I'm going to for as long as my souls is paired with yours, over and over again as we pass on and go to the next life, I hope my soul finds yours all over again, so that I can relive the beautiful life, I wish to have with you".

You're really something special Nathan" I say and he hums though his eyes remained on the road, as he guided the car along the stretch into Monaco where there were dozens of vehicles of all ranges and colours from Ferrari's to Mercedes, luxury vehicles filled the streets just as much as tourists and members of the city did. The one part of the city was even directly sectioned off it seemed simply by route of who was driving on it, along with a place where people were video taping or taking picture of the cars driving by.

Eventually we passed along the pier as Nathan drove up into the hills of Monaco where his penthouse was along with his parents not far away at Odeon Tower.

This city seemed filled to the brim with wealth and money, and none the less it seemed like a place that Nathan would love, that he'd enjoy being here for the sense of normality. He should have seemed like he liked it here but I could tell that despite him feeling comfortable and familiar with this place, that he also disliked it because it reminded him of all the things that he and his family had tried so hard to counter over the years to make the lives of millions of people better, and though they had provided jobs, and aid all over the world, along with bought out hundreds of companies over a fifty year period.

I guess it really is possible to have a life that isn't preferable as a wealthy person especially from a family like Nathan's.

Eventually we got to the building where Nathan's penthouse was, and drove into the garage along the line of vehicles before he slowed and backed into the spot that was just for his car, and parked.

"We have arrived at our destination" he says looking over at me and I hum, nodding before unbuckling my seat and opening the door and being mindful of the car next to it.

Walking to the elevator through the concrete garage, we stepped into the elevator and began going up to the classical penthouse that I had seen only a few more times over the years since it was fairly rare that we came to Monaco though if we did it was for a good amount of time.

The doors opened a moment later and we walked out into the living room of the penthouse that had a large hallway that connected to the outdoor patio of the apartment through a lot of glass French doors that were aimed at letting as much light into the home as possible.

"Now we get to enjoy our vacation away from the drama, and the crazes of New York" Nathan says rolling up his sleeves and walking over to a table that would have been stocked with various beverages, and drinks for whoever may find their way into the penthouse.

Opening a crystal decanter and smelling the contents before pouring some of it into a chiseled glass, and carrying it towards the doors of the balcony with one of his hands in his trouser pocket. As he opened the door a draft wafted into the room as he walked out onto the balcony where he could look out onto the city below and the pier where dozens of yachts were moored in their chosen spots with the lights on and maintenance crews walking around.

Nathan just stood there though looking over everything around his penthouses view.

"What are you looking at?" I ask walking over to him and stopping next to him on the balcony.

"I'm admiring the city with you by my side love" he replies a soft smile on his lips.

"That's not all I know you, and that look on your face. You only look over cities with a drink when you're thinking" I say wrapping my arms around him, while resting my head against his shoulder.

"I am thinking about the life that our child will have. I don't want them to be effected by the cycle of family history. In the past six years I have created a lot of enemies, and I was hoping being here would help me not think about it so much".

"You will be an amazing father Nathan, just as I hope to be a good mom" I say and he looks over at me and smiles down at me.

"You will be the best mother that our child could want, I'm sure of it" Nathan says leaning over and kissing me gently before looking into my eyes and I was met with his tri coloured ones against my own brown ones.

"I like when you're so sure of things, also you should enjoy the view, I'll go figure out food for us" I say and he lets out a laugh as I walked off to find one of the kitchens in this enormous penthouse.
Done early which is good, also I will tell all of you that I am going away for the coming weekend so I don't know what my updating time will be, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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