Chapter Five

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A week later Nathan and I were back in New York and I quickly descended the stairs to walk into the lobby where Nathan presented me with both a shake, and a large metal bottle of water that based on touch told me he'd put ice in it.

"Good morning beautiful" he says as I take both items and wrap my arms around him.

"Boungiorno" I reply and he smirks slyly, reminding me in a single second that the man in front of me was about as much of a devil as his father.

"L'italiano è un suono meraviglioso dalle tue labbra" he whispers while holding my waist and staring at me dotingly.

"You can listen to me speak Italian later" I smile before leaning up to kiss him and slip the shake into my purse before opening the drawer and pulling out a key. I then stepped into the elevator, with Nathan not far behind me, though he took a separate one.

Getting to the concrete walled garage with wood paneling put into the ceiling and polished floor that matched the cars in the garage.

Unlocking the Porsche 911 Turbo Cabriolet I heard the ding of the elevator as Nathan in his seven piece suit strode out of the elevator towards one of his many Aston Martin's. Setting my purse down on the passenger seat I started the car, and pulled my door shut along with slid on sunglasses so that I could drive to work without going blind.

Pulling out of the underground level of Steinway Tower I drove off down Fifth Avenue though I had to get over onto Park Avenue South to get to Hamilton Tower which was a flat edged oval glass building that was on the edge of SoHo at five hundred-fifty feet tall my last name written just above the first floor lobby in bronze writing.

The view of New York streets changed gradually as I drove out of midtown and along the streets into Tribeca and eventually I spotted Hamilton Enterprises gleaming a fiery colour from the rising sun though the building itself was a mute steely grey though the same bronze tone was used to line an A-symetric pillar that went from one corner to the other of the building in a zig-zag around the circumfrance of the design.

Pulling the car to the curb I grabbed my purse and slipped out of the car before locking the car over my shoulder as I walked up towards the front door of the building catching my reflection in the window.

Matte black red bottomed heels, black semi sheer hose, knee length skirt, and long sleeved halter top with a charcoal grey blazer all of which had been bespoke fitted to me. A small perk of knowing being around Nathan was that I got to learn and know about all of the bespoke fittings and things that could make a brand standout so I used many of those same techniques at my own company just on a larger scale then Savile Row Tailors.

There was also a confidence in how I carried myself six years after meeting Nathan, the modelling deals did help but I'd also been to over a hundred events for both his company, mine, and the other events we attended all the way from celebrations, private charities, galas, art auctions, and even the F1 races. But Nathan also gave me confidence, a lot of it. He let me be me and for some reason the ease in which he could go through situations and interactions gave me a lot of peace of mind over these past years.

Striding through the foyer I watched my Assistant Hannah come up to me with an iPad open to list off the days agenda.

"You have arrived on time at eight sharp, you have your first meeting at nine, another at nine-thirty, then one at eleven, lunch is booked in for twelve we were thinking Thai but if you change your mind we can alter it. Work will then resume at one and at two all of your action items begin until five o'clock" she quickly says glancing at me as we crossed the white marble space with various copper statues in various poses around the room with round white leather seats for guests to the buolding to wait.

On the rest of the floors it was sharper, black floors took over along with frosted glass and light grey walls with bronze set into the middle of the door handles and on the door plaques for the offices that had them.

Stepping into the elevator I pressed the button for the forty second floor and was swiftly carried up to the floor that housed two conference rooms an executives suite for my Directors, along with their office spaced out on the top two floors.

The elevator stopped twenty seconds later stopping at the top floor, and opened letting me out into the executive floor A.

"Good morning Miss Hamilton" the receptionist Alana says as I strode towards my office and pushed open the door to see the vast amount of work having been set on the wooden top of the desk along with the emails pinging from my laptop.

Walking around the desk I set my purse down and settled myself behind the desk before setting up my shake and coffee on the desk before starting on the pile of designs and report folders on my desk separating them into two piles before deciding I'd do twenty minutes of designs and ten minutes for folders before prepping for my meeting in an hour.

The designs were for what I wanted to have shown off to the public. General designs were managed and approved by floor managers since each floor covered something different. from colour, and palette to shape and cut of the fabrics, even to quality, and bespoke tailoring which was a regular thing for us and in each of twenty countries it was relatively easy to do though I semi understood why Nathan had twenty-seven Executive Directors each having forty Executives under them. He'd shown me the table of pay once based on percentage and it was slightly eyewatering to think that seeing five zeros after a decimal point with a two at the end was a hundred thousand dollars a year. A quarter of all the money WGI made a year apparently went towards staff percentages.

Only Nathan and his siblings would have the ambition to run a multi trillion dollar company.

I could see his tower from here and at current his office which like mine was on the top floor of Winters Group Tower was surrounded by clouds that were redirected because of the buildings scale redirecting airflow around it.

Returning my focus to my work I took a quick sip of the caffeinated beverage and doing my best to focus on everything in front of me. It was a slightly odd proposition to realize I lived my life selling clothing to other people, along with jewelry, and handbags, and pretty much any luxury item on the planet and as spoiled and self righteous as I should be I would still give away nearly ten billion by the end of the year.

I had also started to expand into the middle class market to make high quality inexpensive goods that would last and hopefully expand my customer base.

By the time I had completed critiquing about fifty designs and looked over three rather thick files Hannah stuck her head through the door.

"Miss Hamilton, your meeting starts in ten minutes" she says and I thank her before preparing all of what I needed for the specific meeting I would be walking in which was the fourth quarter plan meeting. Grabbing the logistics, and stats binder I tucked both under my arm and walked towards the door carrying my coffee which I had a feeling wouldn't be leaving my side all day.

Just a little peek into Arilynn's day, Nathan also has a similar day though I will show how he compares with his father on the matter of meetings. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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