Chapter Nine

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Arilynn Hamilton

Rolling onto my back the next morning I found that the golden sun was glowing through a throng of grey wispy clouds making them appear on fire in the early morning light.

Nathan still lay beside me his arms wrapped around my frame and pulling me closer to the warmth his body gave off. His dark hair lay fanned over his face and the longer pieces that typically sat on top of his head were now forward and draped casting shadows onto his pillow.

I teased him sometimes for the fact he slept like a baby and still he was the most feared man in the city. Images and rumours of him being behind mass export of weaponry were confirmed last semester when he had publicly stated Voulge Defense Industries produced three hundred billion dollars in military product with a back list of payment for one point two trillion. Or the fact that he was the owner of over twenty organizations that were private and secretly attended by the most connected people across the world. He'd cultivated his image as being secretive and well known for various civil and global projects.

His reputation just wasn't as unknown as his father who was similar to Nathan though I could see how the very dark origins of Winters Enterprises for its first twenty years had shaped him.

It had shaped all of them. I had heard many stories from eighty years ago about how the man Nathan was named after, spent his money. Nathan didn't seem like he cared or wanted that life for himself. To spend, spend, spend. If anything I could tell he didn't want to be like that at all. Suburban life was a high goal on his list which I found completely fair.

Looking at him as he softly snored I let out a soft laugh before I see him deeply inhale and still for a second before prying his eyes open.

Shit I woke him.

"I'm sorry for waking you" I wince.

"I'd pay all the money in the world to wake up beside you Miss Hamilton, you have nothing to worry about" Nathan mumbles his morning voices timbre adding a gravelly tone to his already deep voice.

My heart dude, I just woke up too.

"You have for the past six years and a half years".

"What about for forever" he exhales and I have to fight the smile from exploding across my face at those words.

"If you don't get up, I'll get Tatyana to move everything you have to an hour earlier" I quip jokingly but it still has the desired effect and he hops out of bed.

"That is a dangerous game, love" Nathan points out crossing the room to the bathroom.

As he disappeared into the bathroom I got out of bed and crossed the room to the closet and picked out what I'd wear today though I'd be in here for the duration of Nathan's shower deciding what I'd choose to wear. I would choose something simple since it was my style and being extremely formal was what was needed to be taken seriously in business and as a young person in the industry I was in.

Nathan had to do something similar going to work in nine thousand dollar tailored suits and driving sports cars.

And to think he would rather be left alone by the business world and treated normal.

I could remember him telling me that, along with not wanting to seem overly flashy though it would take more then two generations to end that though perhaps by the next the Winters Family wouldn't garner so much attention in the world.

Deciding on a simple black halter necked pencil dress along with a long grey coat as a prevention from the wind that was rolling off the ocean into New York City.

When Nathan reappeared from the bathroom he had wrapped his waist in a towel and crossed the room passing me as I set down my clothing choice for the day and walked into the bathroom while he went into the closet.

Undressing completely I got into the shower and began washing off the sleep that still covered my body.

The funny part was that I took colder showers then the man I slept with each night which was rather funny to me since women were often the ones that had scorching hot showers.

How the tables turned.

When I eventually got out I dried off and walked over to the bed to get dressed and returning to the closet so that I could do my makeup.

Finishing my eye look, Nathan steps around the corner in a grey suit while doing his tie and I use the mirror to see what he is doing.

"Yes, Mr. Winters" I muse.

"You look lovely Arilynn" he says completing the knot of his tie and centering it.

"Thank you, Nathanial. You too look lovely" I say poorly imitating a British accent which made him chuckle softly.

"You're, the worst American attempting to be British".

"Well fuck you" I retort raising my eyebrows to get in the crease of my eye with a dark green shimmer shade.

"When?" Nathan smirks and I glare at him through the mirrors assistance.

"What are you sixteen" I comment he laughs.

"If I was you'd be committing statutory rape once a week" Nathan points out leaning in the doorway looking beyond handsome, and it was the bane and lifeblood to me most days, and still I'll love him for as long as I'm granted the ability to have my soul belong to his.

"I hate you for the same reasons I love you".

"You're stuck with me forever mi amor".

He then walks over to me and pressed his lips to my head before heading downstairs to make food for both of us so that we could get through our mornings.

Finishing off my makeup I stood and walked downstairs to find Nathan blending two shakes along with staring absentmindedly out the window pane of the kitchen to stare out at New York, and Central Park.

"What did you make Nathan?" I ask before he lifts the cups and hands me the red one while taking a cream coloured one.

"Por vous" he says and I graciously take the presented cup.

"This will fuel me all day I hope you know that" I say and he nods.

"Mine gets me to lunch so I'm not surprised yours lasts till dinner every day" he says dryly and I laugh.

"I'm glad, I'd have questions if you were" I quip giving him a beaming smile before giving him a kiss and walking off to the lobby to take my pick of the assorted keys.

Grabbing the key for the Cullinan I step into the elevator while Nathan takes the key for one of the other vehicles in the garage.

By the time I got down to the garage and was opening the door to the Rolls Royce, I witness Nathan lift one of the doors of the McLaren Speedtail at the fat end of the line before driving out of the garage while I double checked that I had everything and followed him out though he went a separate route then I did.

I then took off down the main drag of New York towards Hamilton Enterprises and tapped along to the music as I drove admiring the city and the beautiful day all the while Michael Buble played from the speakers.

On time for a chapter for typical daily update considering I spend most days doing something else when at my grandparents aside from writing. So they may be shorter then I'd like but I'm trying. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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