Chapter Fifty Two

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I had barely woken up the next morning when I heard my phone ding just to get a news reel about the FBI search and seizure of all assets belonging to Ellipsis Corporation which immediately prompted me to turn on the TV and see the live news report.

A brown haired woman stood outside the building that I had been at just twelve hours prior in a long coat to shield herself from the brisk winter winds, all while clutching a microphone as she was just about to be transferred coverage.

"Joanne what is it like there?" a male voice asks and the woman takes over.

"Thank you Callum, it's completely shut down from end to end, police have been redirecting traffic away from Ellipsis Headquarters, just minutes ago Isaiah Kelbrandt the CEO of Ellipsis was led out of the building in handcuffs, along with numerous other people that were inside. Police are loading up numerous computers, laptops, and drives" Joanne says looking towards the building then back at the camera.

"And what exactly are they saying is the reasoning behind this event?" Callum asks.

"There is a circulating rumour that the police were tipped off about the involvement in a defamation case, and accepting bribes. The CEO alone was found to possess accounts and wire transfers worth near to fifty million dollars far exceeding the ten percent stake he held in the company and the other assets the company held by three times the value. Multiple companies are coming forward in the hopes of aquiring the business but we had heard that the Personal Assistant of Winters Group International CEO Nathanial Winters had given over the information to purchase the company from the Federal Government for a fraction of the companies supposed value".

"What would the benefit to the purchase of Ellipsis be to WGI?".

"The company hasn't been fully assessed properly, and if there is a hundred million dollars of previous assessment it is possible that there is a much higher number in either hidden or potential assets making the aquisition lucritive for the economic giant" Joanne says moving some of her hair off of her face.

"And has there been a statement on if other companies that were associated with Ellipsis should be fearful or worried of Winters Group taking their businesses and companies".

"No there is no concern for it at all, all employees were promised to keep their jobs and the time that taking Ellipsis over would take has been promised to be paid for along with any inconvienience that the renovation of the building would have. The message that Ms. Hanavorna had provided was that Winters Group is only interested in any company that is a threat to the peace and fair business of those around them and small, medium, and big business. The companies interest in aquisition remained private around motivation but as with many Winters Group purchases will likely stay secret from the public though in their benefit. Back to you Callum".

"Thank you Joanne" Callum says and before the view swaps I shut off the TV and sat up in the bed looking around the room and taking in the older architecture though I liked it, it truly felt like a home though it also made me think of my grandparents house with the wooden elements and more classical design.

Rolling out of the bed I realized I was due for another flight in a few hours even if I didn't really want to leave, I wanted the report from the police on what they find but I won't get shit for months and the drive we had only told me the names that were used to achieve information but not the origin, there were hundreds of people with the same name across the planet so once more it was pointless information without any leads to follow.

I could at least tell Arilynn that the problem had been fixed, and would hopefully be over soon but I couldn't promise anything especially with me leaving pretty much the same day I get back to New York so I'd have to get Tatyana to organize my flight from Eagle to Tokyo since it would be faster then going all the way around the world.

Crossing the room I found the large bathroom that was across from the closet and stepped into the shower to clear off sleep, and anything else that might be weighing on me which was quite plentiful lately with all that was going on.

Standing under the water I attempted to wash sleep out of my eyes though I knew that it would be a fruitless effort and even caffeine would do next to fuck all to wake me up.

Probably a side effect from how much I drank it.

Eventually getting out of the shower I dried off and went to get dressed before heading back into the bathroom to style my hair so that I could at lease look presentable. Once that was done I went downstairs and began scavenging through my kitchen to make something edible though food was only brought here when I was coming so there was a lone days worth of food in the pantry and fridge that the security would take and make use of whatever I didn't use.

Pulling together something edible I made myself a cup of coffee using one of the Nescafe instant packages and boiling the kettle.

I wasn't particularly aware of anything yet either the shower had done little to help and I was already aware that the second I left this house I had to immediately contact my PA or she'd have my head.

What my sisters didn't know or Arilynn was that Tatyana had essentially the wrath of God to bestow on anyone she pleased including me. Especially me if she so desired to. One particular instance was when I forgot about a meeting and Tatyana going along with my mistake attended in my stead and then gave me double the work the following day for inadvertently extending her day.

It was also how she ended up with a G-Wagon for her birthday.

That was the early days of Nexus and my career though and since then the relationship between us was of close friends and colleagues despite the power difference between us. I still wished she'd let herself have a normal life instead of working so much. There was very little of a secret that she wanted a family and a life out of work but she also insisted PM working from seven thirty to whenever I went home typically five thirty, and only when I had left had she closed everything for her work and went home.

The woman made two and a half million dollars a year for Christ sake.

Many of the women in my company did quite well, as I found woman to be excellent organizers and very efficient. The saying in Winters Group even went 'built through a man's mind, and a woman's focus' it was true though without the many brilliant and devoted people that worked here WGI wouldn't be much.

Lifting the mug of coffee I began downing it while pausing only to take bites of my food all while scanning my phone screen on what my day would look like based off of the takeover likely meaning I'd be doing work on the plane back to Vail.

When I eventually finished I cleaned up after myself, and put everything back where it went before leaving and being met with Harper standing there and looking around as I walked down the steps.

"Good morning sir" he greets and I nod in response.

"The airport please, time for me to return to Vail" I say as he opened the back door to the CLS and let me slip into the back seat before Harper rounded the car and got into the front seat to drive me to the airport where I could return to Vail merely to leave once more in few days.

I just hope nothing happens while I'm in Tokyo.
A little short but it's fine I tend to get all of these to work themselves out in the end, also I got a couple more things planned out that make this book interesting, and I will be including a pregnancy update for Arilynn. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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