Chapter Thirty One

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I had walked down into the garage the following morning and much to my own resistance decided it would be easier to just go and tell Adrian and Olivia that they were grandparents today, even though I had slept until nine and was now on my way to their Hamptons estate less then an hour later.

Unlocking my F8 I got inside and started the vehicle letting out a nervous shaky sigh before driving off towards the Hamptons under surprisingly bright sky for New York at this time of year.

As I left Manhattan and all of the incredibly tall buildings I settled in for the hour long drive to the Winters home. It had initially been a surprise to me that the house was so far away from Manhattan, and where Winters Group Tower was. Now that I was so close to Nathan, and having the media want to photograph me, and interview me at any chance they got I understood why it was so annoying and bothersome.

Long Island was at least peaceful and filled with communities that weren't as often talked about as the main ones within the five boroughs. Adrian and Olivia's home was hidden behind trees, and a very tall wall where their privacy was guaranteed, same as what would likely happen with me and Nathan in a month when the home in Alpine was done.

People were also kinder out here, there wasn't horns from angry taxi drivers or the obscene gestures from pedestrians as they crossed the side walks unsolicited, and unsafely. I also wasn't having to take some faster route to escape flashing cameras.

As I passed into the Hamptons I glanced out at the bay where I could and how all the houses seemed to change from wide open houses to private large palatial compounds surrounded in vegetation, and beautiful gardens filled with colourful flowers, and hidden behind grand steel and iron gates, a few with the addresses on them others with a family crest. On the Winters there was none with the gate being eight feet tall with iron framing wooden boards while a plaque was placed on the even taller roman brick posts with the address on it. However the funny part was that the guard house had a separate gate and address as a way of making the home seem less large.

Creative way of disguising a three building twelve acre estate.

Pulling down the driveway I spotted one of Adrian's many vehicles parked in the driveway which when I got closer I recognized as his LaFerrari with the doors up and the owner kneeling on a folded towel while he cleaned the leather seats in the car.

Stopping behind the car that was just as expensive as every vehicle I currently owned I parked, and got out watching Olivia come out of the front door and down to where her husband and now me were.

"Adrian we have a guest" the brunette woman calls and Adrian looks up from the driver side of the car to see me.

"Arilynn, how are you?" he asks standing and taking nearby towel to dry off his hands.

"I'm alright, I come with fairly important news, that both of your daughters already know" I say and Olivia gives me a curious but vetting look as if trying to figure it out for herself before a faint smile came over her lips that slowly grew.

"Do tell" she says sounding quite excided by the time she got to the bottom of the stairs to join Adrian next to his Ferrari.

"I'm pregnant, I found out at two o'clock this morning" I say now watching the morphing of Adrian's usually stoic expression to a pleased smile as he and Olivia exchanged a look before the woman who would be my mother-in-law wrapped me in a hug while I let out a laugh of relief.

"That's wonderful Arilynn, how far along are you?" she asks.

"Five week's" I say as Olivia lets go of me and takes a step back.

"Wow, you're going to be a mother" Olivia states before turning to her husband, "We're going to be grandparents Adrian!".

I then watched the raven haired man smile before crossing his arms and leaning against his car.

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