Chapter Sixty Five

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The morning of Christmas I rolled over to find that I was mildly obstructed, and only able to move so far from Arilynn having moved to be directly on me and subsequently meaning I moved her with me.

Opening my eyes I was met by her dark ones and a soft glowing smile that warmed my heart still to this day, she looked radiant in the morning sunlight, and I couldn't help but notice the other hues in her eyes that made her look more then flawless.

Winters you have an obsession.

Telling my mind to shut up I pulled her slightly closer to me and rested my head against hers as both of our breathing balanced to match the others.

"Good morning love, you look perfect as always" I simper and I watch the soft characteristic blush rise to her face.

"Good morning Nathan, also of course you have to make me blush after being up for ten seconds" Arilynn laughs and I just shake my head slightly knowing that I do this every day, and mean it every single time.

"Someone has to remind you that you're loved without condition" I muse and I am met with a complete smile which she tried to hide in the blankets resulting in me being the one to let out a well mannered laugh.

"I'll stop, and go make us breakfast and coffee" I say and she hums but wraps her arms around me tighter.

"Stay, I am enjoying cuddling with you, and you're warm" Arilynn protests and I am briefly reminded of when we first started dating.

"Okay, well, guess I'm stuck here" I sigh feigning confusion.

"And whatever shall you do" Arilynn teases pressing her lips together and I just shake my head.

"Do what I always do, hold you because you've asked me too, and I enjoy it" I admit holding her as she attempted to snuggle closer to me despite being half on me.

"I love you Arilynn Mackenzie Hamilton, you're the woman I am never going to let go of".

"That's fine" she hums reaching up to move some of her own hair off of her face. "I'm never letting go of you either, I found my person".

"Took you long enough it's been seven years" I slyly comment.

"You're a smartass, but I love you".

"I love you too Arilynn".

As ten minutes passed and then twenty I relaxed back into the pillow behind me knowing that I would, and had willingly submitted to staying here as long as Arilynn pleased, because I enjoyed her touch, and the contact of having the woman I loved so close.

When we eventually mutually decided on getting up I pulled on comfy pants and went down stairs telling myself I'd put a shirt on later when I wouldn't sweat and make it dirty.

Connecting my phone to the kitchen speakers I began on Christmas breakfast which was when I noticed that my phone was playing my Rap Playlist so now I had Drake rapping from the surround sound of the penthouse all while Arilynn walks into the kitchen and stares at me with a smile on her face as I lip synced and danced while making every possible breakfast thing I had thought of.

As I moved around the kitchen I watched her make coffee and pour me a mug of the dark liquid before setting it down on the counter next to me as I flipped the Belgian waffle I had made.

"You do know me and you can't eat all of this" Arilynn says with a hum.

"I know, that's why it's not just me and you" I say and she glances over at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"What do you mean?" she asks and I glance up at her with a small smirk.

"Christmas is meant to spent with family love, my parents and sisters are coming here" I admit as I crossed the double islanded kitchen to the pantry.

"You're in your comfy pants go get dressed, I'll finish making breakfast" Arilynn directs and I just stare at her in response.

"Go, or I'll microwave your meal" she threatens thinning her eyes with a wry smile and I relent.

She looks cute not intimidating.

"You're a monster if you microwave Belgian waffles" I mutter and she laughs as I walk off towards our bedroom to put on actual clothing.

Entering the bathroom I undressed and stepped into the shower before getting out and finding clothing that seemed appropriate to wear for the duration of the day with my family who would be arriving soon to open gifts and have breakfast with me and Arilynn.

As I left my bedroom looking slightly more put together I came down to find that Arilynn had indeed finished making breakfast, but also that my parents and siblings were suddenly in our Monaco penthouse.

"Fuck are you all doing here?" I smirk and they all turn around.

"Fuck are you" my dad replies in equal verb as he walked over to me and exchanged a hug before I moved to hug both my sisters and my mom along with bro hug both August and Julian.

"Nice penthouse mate" August says and I just laugh before we all walk into the kitchen and begin dishing up the food that Arilynn and I had co cooked before settling at the table with my family.

I liked watching this sight as everyone got along and talked which wasn't necessarily rare though it wasn't as common to have my sisters present for a family event or dinner as Arilynn and I were.

They all laughed and talked and caught up though as usual my parents had more interesting lives than me and my siblings but they also weren't working they had travelled the world to the point they were only in New York for a single month total this year.

We talked mostly about our lives and my sisters asked a lot of questions about Arilynn expecting, and my parents asked me about how all of my trips around the world had been this year since I didn't get to tell them too much before surprising Arilynn a month ago.

We had also decided to leave the gift opening until tonight since my parents were having all of ours flown in and my dad's 737 didn't come to Nice with any luggage on it.

So here we all were having eventually finishing breakfast and sitting in the living room while I cleaned up my breakfast mess to start making Christmas dinner since I had always enjoyed cooking for my family though I never got any chance to do it when I was younger until I moved out.

"Nathan stop cleaning come sit with your family" my mom beckons and I glance up at her as I finished pulling out the stuff I'd need to make dinner, along with put away Christmas leftovers.

"Mom I can sit down once this is done and all the food is in the oven" I say looking back down as I began making the various food items and recipes I'd either thought of or pulled out.

"He's our son alright" I hear my dad laugh before I tune out the following banter all while laughing lightly as I began to solely focus on making my family food.

It's shorter but yeah I got the rest of this book planned so I'm happy. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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