Chapter Eleven

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This meeting was bound to be interesting for various reasons. The main one Colin Hendrix was a silver spoon raised thoroughbred investor on Wall Street. He hadn't been told no on an IPO since he started just a few short years ago. The second reason was he was dirty at times when people challenged him, he'd taken people down who had tried to put a stop to his success.

And he thinks he'll be able to convince me to make my company public.

Walking out of the elevator I stepped into a lobby where five men all stood. Central among them was the navy blue suited Colin Hendrix with slicked back platinum blonde hair and a wry smile that turned to distaste when he noticed me.

I don't like you either Colin.

"Miss Hamilton, you're late for our meeting" Colin says curtly pressing his lips together firmly and I had to fight the small smile that was spreading across my face.

"Mr. Hendrix it's five to three, I am perfectly on time, so it seems it is you waiting on me, rather then you catching me off guard like you planned" I say.

"Now come along we can discuss more in my office" I saw walking off towards the front side of the floor.

Stepping into the neatly organized room I made my way towards the back of my desk which had access to a separate meeting room for when I didn't want to use the halls to get to a particular meeting.

"Please sit" I say gesturing and remaining standing which in three inch heels made me taller then Colin though still enough to be effective.

He followed my direction and still I stood using my right hand to log into my laptop and immediately my schedule came up.

"Mr. Hendrix you are here to discuss the possibility of my company going public, what's your case?" I inquire finally sitting and leaning on my desk with my hands clasped together while I looked over them, staring him down and daring him to speak, which of course he would, they always did.

"You're company is evaluated at nearly a quarter trillion dollars, that seems to me like a good business decision to spike your brand a projected IPO could bring you up double from where you are now. We'll even cut you a deal thirty-seventy".

I quirked an eyebrow. One my company was worth twice what he thought, and that thirty seventy deal, seventy percent was for him rather then me, and I wasn't going to be used to boost someone else's career.

"Mr. Hendrix, please answer me these few questions" I say with thin lipped control while calming my breathing.

"You are sitting in my office, at my tower, asking me to partner with you. Correct?" I flash him a smile.

"Yes" he says clearly catching the point of malice I had been holding back.

I was calm most of the time, this was the one time I wasn't.

"So tell me who would get the seventy and who would get the thirty, don't think of lying either".

"My Brokerage would, and then sep-" I cut him off by raising my hand.

"Yes or no will do" I say softening my voice. "So if ik understanding correctly your extremely low estimation of my company then means you make a huge percentage margin thus meaning you look better amongst your peers, you would then also make more then my business would. I am not here to provide you a get rich quick line of investment. I was doing quite well without you or anyone else helping me" I state.

"My family may have given me this business and I had to reinvent it all from the ground up. I changed everything. You are the fourth generation stock investor, you can't offer me anything I couldn't provide myself. Mr. Hendrix, so please leave my office, we're done here" I state.

His face contorted and I was ready for whatever he was about to say.

"You're a bitch, all the money's gone to your head clearly. Especially with your trillionaire fiancé in that tower" Colin sneered standing in a hurry and I breath in deeply with my jaw clenched.

Don't ever insult me or my man.

Standing I said the exact thing I wanted to, and all sense of respect and reserve from creating tribulation flew out the window.

"Colin, I'd be careful who you talk to like that. I'm not the kind of person you want to cross. Money goes a long way in this city I could take everything from you. Your Brokerage could be seized in an instant, your business practices could be shown to the FBI, how you've made two hundred million dollars could be investigated and find that you money launder, and commit fraud by skimming money from your investments".

He looked shocked to the point that he stepped back.

"You can't prove any of that" he says defensively and I just smile before pulling open a drawer and taking out a file labelled Colin Hendrix Report, and dropping it on the table.

"I'd face nothing if I were to send this to NYPD, now get out of my office, or security will drag you from here" I smile and he glares at me before turning and walking towards the door.

"Someone will bring you down a few pegs Arilynn Hamilton".

"It certainly won't be you" I mutter at the same time he slammed my office door shut.

I then reached over and pressed a button before the voice of one of the on shift security came through.

"Make sure Colin Hendrix leaves the building peacefully, he seemed a little upset" I say.

"Of course Miss Hamilton" the security operative responds and I let go of the security button.

Turning around to look out the window I watched Colin's convoy leave before I spotted the black speck moving along the road and to the opposite curb.

Which was when the door flipped up and Nathan got out, then I noticed the other boys pull up behind him and all of them walked into the restaurant opposite my tower.

Of course they went out for lunch.

At that moment Hannah walked into my office and the sound of her heels pulled my attention back to my PA.

"You now have an early work period then after that it concludes your day. Unless there is anything you want to add to the schedule?".

"Just make up what tomorrow's schedule is and send it to me for approval is all. Then you may go home Hannah".

"Thank you Miss Hamilton".

"No need to thank me, Hannah you're the best assistant I could ask for" I say and she gives me a grateful smile before walking back to the door while I find music to listen to and start on the stack of files next to me.

Done Yay, I'm semi joking I love writing my characters though, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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