Chapter Sixty Nine

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The car ended up meeting up with about a dozen others including the rest of the Winters Family who made it clear that they were just there for security purposes and nothing else before the convoy ventured further into the surrounding area of New York away from all of the chaos that was being left behind while the cars broke into smaller formations to make it unclear of which one was carrying me though the Phantom was pretty clear visually. What I wanted to know was if Nathan and I had been the targets since we were really close to where my parents had been standing and because of the handcuffs they wouldn't have been able to move very quickly nor see the car stop and open fire on all of us.

When the vehicles eventually passed back through the gates of the home I watched the cars collect around the driveway before most of them got out including myself before I spotted the black Lamborghini that belonged to Adrian rounded the driveway with a Maybach behind it that was likely one of the ones that Nathan and I owned considering the rims were silver and his parents didn't like silver rims on vehicles.

The cars soon stopped and their occupants got out before coming towards the front door of the house as I also neared it. Nathan and I's home looked more mysterious in a blizzard, and the grey sky overhead wasn't helping the image since the home expanded across just under half of the property.

Going inside I took off my shoes all while everyone seemed to gather in the living room where the TV was on with a reporter on the screen in front of the courthouse, the blood from where my parents had been shot being cleaned off of the steps all while snow blew past the camera and creating a faded image where the courthouse and surrounding buildings were located.

"We have just received breaking news. Half an hour ago was the end of a trial that had lasted for two weeks deciding if Richard and Selina Hamilton two former socialites and founders of Hamilton Enterprises were shot dead just after being told they were sentenced to fifty years in jail on the steps of the courthouse just behind us. Forensics teams, and investigators are determining whether blood loss or the bullets themselves were the cause of the deaths, and who could have perpetrated this crime resulting in the lack of judicial sentencing that was to await the couple who had been complacent in numerous crimes each of which had been confirmed and was rightfully charged for. Though today it seems that only snow and blood will fall onto the steps of New York's streets. Witnesses report a black Infiniti though the blizzard had prevented clear view of the driver and the license plates on the vehicle. If anyone had any information they are to immediately contact the police. Our condolences go out to the family, and all of the witnesses of this event".

Nathan then shut off the TV and the whole room was taken by silence.

"Do you think anyone else was hit, and the news is just telling us the casualties?" Nathan says not averting his eyes from the screen that was now black and was providing a blurry reflection of the room.

"There wasn't going to be other casualties, that wasn't the plan at least" Adrian says and we all turn to look at him except Nathan, and Olivia.

"What do you mean there wasn't going to be other casualties?" I ask and he looks over at me.

"I paid to have your parents assassinated. No one gets to hurt or threaten this family, no exceptions or they will be dealt with" Adrian says as he leaned in the doorway.

"You had her parents killed!" Izzy mutters looking at him with wide eyed shock.

"Yes. Arilynn is family she has been for six years, and as much as putting them in jail would be beneficial there are somethings that are best ended and left as ghosts of the past" the tall raven haired man says looking over the room. I knew what he was getting at though. I may not have wished for my parents to be dead, but I ran from them my whole life and maybe them being buried having had their dignity left till their last breath would be a fitting end to one part of my life while I started a new one with Nathan.

"How do you cover a murder, the police will come and arrest you" Abigail says.

"It's not linked to me or anyone in this family, I met with the Sorenko's and they offered to as Oskar put it 'deal with the situation'. So in typical style it was done so in a way that will make the police look elsewhere".

"I never knew you had people killed" Abigail remarks.

"I haven't for a very long time, and those two times were actually accidents. Most of the time I just have people relocated to other countries where they won't be a problem".

"So what now?" I ask, "my parents are in the NYPD morgue".

Nathan then stood from his chair and walked over to me. "We plan a funeral, closed casket would be best" he says looking around the room and the dry humour isn't lost on anyone in it.

"Will they ever find out about the shooting being connected to the Winters?" I ask and both Winters men shake their heads.

"This family has committed crimes in the past that are worse them murder simply from association so we will be fine" Adrian says. "Nathan should have told you about Henry Winters, and our family history before him, if not there is a library in this house and I gave Nathan a complete documented history of our family".

" I'll convince him to give it to me" I say and Nathan gives me a look as if I hadn't just insinuated that I wanted to know all of his family sins and still accept him for it.

"We should let you both have your home back, you're safe here with all the security, so I will give you space to be alone, and have the rest of your day in peace" Adrian says putting an arm around Olivia who leaned against him.

"We will too" Izzy says giving me and her brother a wave as she and Abigail along with their parents walked to the door and left one by one back to their cars eventually leaving Nathan and I alone.

Once we were truly alone I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"I never expected to be burying my parents so young" I remark resting my head against his chest.

"I can understand that" Nathan says with a half smile.

"I also feel relieved, because now I don't have to worry about them".

Nathan held me tighter, and didn't seem like he was going to let go before he rested his head on mine.

"For someone so confident you sure are gentle, and I love that about you. No matter what you need I'll be here for you. Also I didn't know that my dad was planning what he had" Nathan says.

"I don't blame you or your dad, neither of you are at fault, I didn't have good parents so now I get to do better for my own kid" I muse and the man holding me gives me an adoring smile.

"We'll do better together, so that they will grow up with good parents".

"Sounds perfect".

I then hug him a little bit harder, and feel a little more comforted as we held each other in the living room of our home.
It's a little shorter but it's completed, I haven't had the time to get started on the next day's updates recently since they've taken up so much of my time, and I have had a lot going on this week. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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