Chapter Fifty Six

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Typically trips with the girls are eventful, and lowkey. Not tonight. It was my birthday and so I was about to celebrate my twenty-fourth birthday while knowing that this could go in a dozen different directions.

I knew they were taking me to a fancy restaurant but I didn't know how to dress for this specific restaurant all I knew was it was called the Two Knives so I ended up googling the restaurant and found that it was a five Michelin Star restaurant that had still remained low key and only was opened in cities of a certain wealthy capacity. The restaurant was meant to cater to high middle class and rising individuals which only told me that it was likely a hundred dollars per dish, and I wouldn't be able to say no to the girls since they had gotten us in without making a reservation two weeks in advance.

Amelia and Lea had even insisted that I wear something formal too since it was an expensive restaurant. So here I was pulling on a black dress that was technically classes as a prom dress that had a slit to mid thigh on the left side along with an A neckline and off shoulder and sleeveless design on the left side while the right has a sleeve, and went over my shoulder. I had also chosen bronze jewelry that looked to have been hammered to texture it, before doing my hair up into a bun, with my pieces of hair to shape my face.

I had gotten used to making myself look absolutely amazing when going for dinners with Nathan along with to the events we both attended that I didn't even think about it until I was in the lobby and had taken the key to my recently arrived Chiron that I had gotten dressed up to a similar level though I had also gotten really good at just picking an outfit since I was a model until I was just about nineteen which of course changed but I had never taken for granted that the dozens of people I knew and all of my friends influence had helped to progress my career off of the ground until I could manage all of it myself.

Now all of them looked at me as a success story and my life was told as one.

It wasn't in the beginning but I seemed to have turned it all around and everyone insists that they just stuck in my name and nothing else to get me to be taken on and paid above starting average for a shoot. They all told me that I had done it on my own skill and merit alone and at some point I believed them after looking at the empire I had created without associating myself with anyone, I just got my product out to each of them and told them to pass on that information, and after that it all seemed to have exploded in six years. I went from driving around in my old TT as a broke college student and attempting to escape my show daughter past, to being a billionaire along side all of my friends and driving a Chiron. They all had changed my life and I thanked them any way that I could come up with, and by marrying the one person who had been by me through everything public and private inside and out of the groups knowledge.

The one thing I was shocked about was that my parents never made the effort to message me or reach out, they never appeared in public, they never commented on my success nothing. I was more of an outcast by separating myself from their wishes and making something of myself then I was when I had my life puppeteered by them.

They also weren't too happy that I had secretly gotten into Harvard and had put my hella expensive tuition on a loan.

My parents didn't really know that I had achieved most of the things in my life without a single piece of influence. I mostly just hoped that one day they chose to be happy that I had done something even if they never told me that they were proud of me.

When I eventually rolled up to the building which was a giant half oval with layers of metal tinted windows to the peak of the structure which seemed to be double layered but this was also because it was technically an office building though the bottom few floors were a hotel, and restaurant center.

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