Chapter Seventy Six

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It was finally May and any day now I was expecting my due date to be reached. We were at the lake house in Ashokan and in typical Nathan style he'd been outside washing his vehicles since waking up. Each of the cars were covered in soap currently and would be left to sit before he pressure washed them and then the driveway.

"He's still cleaning those cars" Lucian says appearing in the lounge where me and the girls had been sitting talking and catching up on things in our lives since they worked a lot and I spent a lot of time at home.

"Yes, he's been going for five hours it's three PM and he is only just now drying off his cars" I say lifting a cup of tea from a saucer beside me on the wooden table next to the cream sofa in the lounge. The room was more of a library and yet no one every mentioned anything about it since this was also the place seemed to spend most most of their time if not out by the water.

Nathan's beach house sat directly over a ten foot cliff with a large dock and storage area. It had a large amount of wood covering it except for the roof and siding that was black and white with the window frames matching the black hue along with a few things added to the back deck to make everything more bright and welcoming.

He had also invited everyone out here since it was typically around this time of the year when spring break was supposed to happen even if none of us were really paying attention, it had been done as a way of getting all of us together and engaging like we had back in University.

"At least you know he's not messy" Zavier comments joining into the cadre of people in the room.

"Unlike you" Lea chimes in with a smirk and Zavier just gives her a look of feigned hurt.

"Don't pretend you're wounded Zavier we all know nothing hurts you" Lucian says glancing at him and Zavier returns the pointed look which causes all of us girls to just glance at one another with amused looks since we knew these two were just having banter and would always be like this to one another.

"While you all enjoy whatever these two are doing I'm going to see Nathan" I say standing slowly and making my way out of the room towards the front door before slipping on a pair of shoes and walking out towards where my fiancé was with a speaker resting on a large red Snap-On tool chest along with a cracked open can of some sort of beverage though the label wasn't facing out of the garage so I couldn't tell what it was.

"Hi Nathan" I say walking over to him as he dried the hood of his Corvette with one of many microfiber cloths he had kept around the shop.

"Hello beautiful, I'm sorry I haven't been inside much today, I needed to get these cleaned" he says looking up from the glossy black vehicle to me.

"It's okay" I say giving him a smile before I felt a release of pressure in my body and looked down at my legs to see a clear liquid running down them towards my feet, before I looked back up at Nathan who handed me a towel and ran off towards the door while I wiped my legs off.

When he came back he was holding a second larger towel and the key for his 488 and unlocked the car before he pulled open the passenger door laid the towel down and then guided me to the car and helping me inside. He then just as fast rounded the car and got in whilst simultaneously starting the engine and pulling his door shut. Nathan then sped off towards the gate and once he was on the highway he started to increase speed to the point that I could see him doing a hundred twenty along the highway all while weaving through traffic.

I knew why though, my body had chosen the first time that Nathan and I were away from New York to have me give birth to our daughter. So here I sat in one of the Ferrari's that the raven haired man beside me owned and trying to relieve the cramping feeling as my body tried to push this baby out of me.

"Baby, you can push it out, I'll be right here" Nathan says giving me his hand.

"Count down the contractions" I tell him and he nods as I take a deep breath as he counts down from fifteen and then I push feeling my body push harder and attempt to swallow the discomfort and pain as Nathan neared New York and entered the city.

When he eventually got to Glacier North Hospital, Nathan hard braked and parked the car before rushing out and around to help me into the hospital.

"Doctor Winslow, my fiancé is giving birth" I say and the receptionist calls it in before in less then a minute I was being instructed to lie down on a bed as they wheeled me off towards the delivery room and took over the instructions of when to push and when to breath. Eventually I was stripped off my dress and had a hospital gown pulled over my body. Soon enough I was feeling woozy and tired from trying to push a baby out of my small frame along with the feeling of my pelvis being separated to allow for Valerie to be born.

The only relief was once I heard the sound of a baby crying and opened my previously tightly pressed eyes to see a small baby wrapped in a blanket before the nurse handed her to me.

"Here's your baby Miss Hamilton" she says and I take her into my arms and am met with Nathan's grey and gold eyes the green flecks were however replaced by the brown of my own, a small amount of dark hair was tufted on her head and I couldn't help but laugh in joy at seeing my daughter in my arms along with Nathan who had been right beside me the whole four and a half hours.

"We need to go over a few things to write out" the gynecologist says looking over at me.

"Okay" Nathan says as he gently took our daughter into his arms and smiled brightly down at her.

"Weight of the baby was documented at four pounds three ounces. Parents, Nathanial Alexander Winters, and Arilynn Mackenzie Hamilton, heart beat was normal. blood type tested before birth as AB positive, now for the name of the baby" she asks looking between myself and Nathan who was still fussing over our baby and smiling brightly at her.

"Valerie Adrianna Winters" I say and I catch the gleeful look in Nathan's eyes as I say this.

"Then that is all, we will move you to one of the over night suites and set up an open tab for you both".

"Just take it out of my end of month payment" Nathan says before standing still holding Valerie as he faced me. "I'll let them help you change, and I'll go to our room and find a place for our little one".

"Okay, don't kidnap our daughter Mr. Winters" I say narrowing my eyes at him though I could tell he held some kind of connection and love over our daughter already.

"Never, love, I'll see you when you're brought up".

With that Nathan left the room and all of the nurses gave me smiles as they helped me change back into my clothing.

"That's a good man, and he won't go anywhere" an older nurse says as I put on my clothing that seemed to have been washed in the time that I'd been giving birth.

"I know he won't" I say looking through the glass of the doors to see Nathan walking down the hallway holding our daughter and seemingly laughing.

He'll be a wonderful father.

And I know he will be because he was raised by one, who did his best to fix the sins of his own past to better the future generations. Just like Nathan and I would for Valerie.
Alright so the next chapter is the wedding one, I can't promise it will go up tomorrow as I want to cover a little bit more then the ceremony, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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