Chapter Thirteen

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The elevator dinged letting me out into the lobby of Winters Group International though by seven PM I hardly cared that I looked tired and required going home and sleeping.

I had gotten a fair but done though and I didn't really have need for much else considering I'd worked on about half of the things I needed to get done tomorrow done today.

And now I want to fucking go home.

Walking out of the front door down to the curb where my car and my sisters sat awaiting their owners.

"Nathan, why did you insist on driving a two million dollar vehicle to work?" Izzy asks walking out behind me along with Abigail.

"Izzy you're driving a Brabus G-wagon" I point out and she pinches her lips into a thin line.

"I personally think I have the best vehicle here" Abigail says lifting the door to her CCXR and getting into the car while Izzy stares at me.

"You do know she gets that fine taste from you and dad" she says.

"She can afford it Isabella" I smile and slip inside my car pulling the door shut and sliding into the middle seat before starting the car and driving off.

I wasn't exactly driving slow either I was easily doing well into fifty the whole way home though no cop was out in this area of the city for some reason. I'd be a clear target to, though it wasn't like anyone could catch me.

That was the truth of my friends and I's lives we were untouchable. More and more each year and why shouldn't we be.

No wonder we seem egotistical. We all are to a degree.

Eventually I pulled up to the garage door of Steinway Tower and rolled down my window to reach over and press my thumb to the scanner and put in a code to let myself in since the scanner required a personalized code.

I then let the car roll itself inside and along the rows of vehicles until I backed into the spot where my Speedtail belonged.

Getting out of the car I turned back to look along the lines of cars and smirked to myself I may have been the son of Adrian and Olivia Winters but I was also capable of earning all of this. Nexus Software alone would make me one of the wealthiest people in the world.

I could remember a particular memory as a child from when my dad and I had gone for a drive.

We had gone down to the garage in Andorra and I could remember him saying that we'll look through the showroom for a vehicle to drive and we had chosen a Carrera GT and he had pointed out to me that no matter how much money I ever have be grateful for it because it can vanish in an instant if one isn't careful.

He'd shown me that despite me and my sisters and him and mom all lived luxuriously. It hadn't been very long since the family had nothing. My family made that a clear principle. My parents especially. Winters Group might be the most powerful global enterprise on the planet but we will always be humble, and always give to those who need it.

Andorra isn't a poor place either I simply saw all of it differently. Not everyone drove Bugatti's and Aston Martin's. It wasn't feasible for most, and so years later charities were. A major part of of my life from then on was to give away as much as I could however I could.

I made secret charities only people with invitation directly from me could attend. I'd produced weaponry to defend every nation in Nato against a threat for the rest of the twenty first century. I'd given people a chance to prove themselves worth my time and the money I could provide them. I did my best to make people's lives the best that they could possibly be.

Arilynn had also been a good influence for that. Since the girl couldn't witness a single person go without, she had even bought an entire orphanage blankets, clothing, and non perishables for a year.

She'd also asked me if we could adopt a child one day something I would do to make her happy.

Turning away from my fleet of cars I pressed the button for the elevator and stepped inside before pressing the button for the top floor and ascending up the floors quickly until reaching my penthouse and stepping into the lobby.

"Baby I'm home" I call into the penthouse and she comes careening down the stairs and into my arms.

"I missed you" she states with a mild humph that I found particularly adorable.

"I missed you too, love" I say planting a kiss on her head before cupping her face and kissing her lips then the end of her nose.

"Came home to cook you dinner, and since you seem to be in a happy mood maybe we'll watch a movie and spend the night likely eating too much popcorn in our giant bed" I offer and she beams up at me.

I fucking love this girl so much.

Letting go of her I walk towards the kitchen and begin to pull out ingredients for traditional fettuccine, along with the herbs that were naturally sourced and grown.

"I am helping you just worked all day" Arilynn says getting a cutting board and snatching the herbs before getting a French knife and cutting them into very small pieces while I made the sauce and cooked the noodles.

I then began to prep other parts of the meal by slicing chicken and putting it on the stove while making the spices to cook the chicken in so that I end up with Cajun seasoning.

"I love you but I have this under control, go pick a movie I'll bring us up our food".

"Okay, but just call if you need me" Arilynn states with another smile, before walking off.

"I will" I call back before continuing to make dinner and once I had completed it. I plated two plates and covered the pans before cleaning up the kitchen. I then picked up the plates and carried them upstairs to find Arilynn curled up in bed with Finding Nemo on the giant TV hanging in front of the window.

"Your fettuccine madam?" I say presenting my fiancé with her food.

"I loves you, you know that" she says scooting closer to me and throwing the blanket around both her and I.

"I do mi amor".

I then wrapped my arms around her and turned to watch the movie and spend my night with the girl I love.

Once more I'm updating at midnight, and now I shall go to sleep. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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