Chapter Forty Four

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Rolling over I rested my head against the top of Arilynn's who had been sleeping against my chest most of the night save for three o'clock this morning when she threw up again.

Her ashen hair was messy resembling more of a wad of pasta then hair but while she slept I'd go through the trouble of finger combing it all out so that she wouldn't have overly knotty hair. Pulling gently through her hair I began creating a fan shape on her back of her own hair while her breathing told me she was still asleep even if I was touching her and still she seemed completely content with being there on my chest with my left arm around her and my right hand helping to guide the hair to being perfectly straight.

As I finished unknotting her hair I put my hand where it had been through most of the night; on her back though this time I was rubbing circles in the place it had been and a smile slowly rose to her lips before she opened her eyes and shut them again.

"That feels nice" she hums as sunlight shone through the window and against the two of us in our bed.

"I hope I didn't wake you" I say looking down at her and being met by her eyes staring back at me.

"Not at all, your love did, and I'm glad that's what I woke too" she replies before moving herself up and kissing me once and returning to how she was resting.

"Well then it was my pleasure to wake you love, but we need to be getting in the shower and dressed so that we can leave to Vail" I say reaching over and lifting my phone to see that it was quarter to seven.

Arilynn then let out a groan and reluctantly got off of me, "I'll go tell Vesper to get the Maybach ready so that we can do what we need and leave" she says grabbing a robe and walking off while I went and started the shower before connecting my phone, and began playing music from the speakers in the bathroom.

Stepping into the shower I began washing off all of whatever was likely on my skin along with singing along with the music that was filling the space and bouncing off of the tiles in the shower. After a moment Arilynn stepped into the opposite side of the shower and began doing the same thing I was. 

When I was done showering I slipped out of the tiled shower and over to my towel and wrapped it around my waist so that I could do my hair. Once I had finished styling the once messy mop of hair on top of my head I finished drying off, and walked out of the bathroom to my closet to pick out something to wear. Deciding on a white hoodie, and jeans I looked over my selection of boots and chose a pair of brown leather pointed books that I had recently had made whilst in London though it was finished being made by the time I had gone home, and arrived at my penthouse halfway through the past week.

Lacing my boots Arilynn walked in and put on comfy pants along with a hoodie that seemed more like a blanket and pulled her hair up into a bun before we walked out of the bedroom to go and get into the car so that we would be able to go to Vail.

Getting to the bottom of the stairs I found Vesper standing with her hands clasped in front of her while maintaining the look of unemotional, and almost boredom though she was required to have that demeanor as a way to avoid people talking to her however her life had progressed normally outside of the work she did as my PPO.

The one piece of her life was that she had to keep me protected but for the most part I never went anywhere, once I was home she didn't need to be working and so she often spent a fair amount of time at home though I did require her at work by seven and home by six with a three grand pay cheque per day working as my PPO.

All of us then stepped into the elevator and went down to the garage all the while Vesper was giving information to the other PPO's that were around the premises since of course I was on top of my security now that I was cleared of all charges and I know that at some point it would become a free for all of how I was attacked in some way next.

My big worry was that it would be personal, not impersonal.

The ding of the elevator cued the doors opening and we all walked out to the car before sliding the back seat. Following after Arilynn, I buckled my seat, and lied back into the seat while Vesper drove us out of the garage towards the airport.

The streets of New York were covered in leaves and rain, along with the steam leaving subway vents and people looking faintly miserable going to their jobs. Now that I thought about it not one of my New York staff made under a hundred grand a year. Even the janitors made nearly two hundred thousand a year.

No wonder people want to work for me in many work places janitors make the least out of everyone, here that's still true but make more then many top professions.

I viewed it as my overall goal to change the injustice that permeated every level of New York society by trying to make life more affordable for who I could, and to change the lives of those affected by the company's operations in a positive way.

Getting to the airport it was relatively empty at least for JFK International at almost eight in the morning.

Rolling up the gate the security guard checked in, and we were let through before Vesper drove us over to my plane which had been prepped and readied for take off.

As the car stopped I slipped out of the car and rounded to the driver side before opening the door to let Arilynn out before shutting it and walking up the steps into the planes fuselage which was filled with all of our friends including Scarlett and Derek.

"What the fuck are all of you doing on my damn plane?" I ask my accent fully coming out.

"Your fiancé invited us, now sit down you Brit" Scarlett answers and I just shake my head but do so anyways so that we could all leave the airport to go to Vail.

"Ladies and gentlemen this is your pilot speaking, we will be departing from JFK International Airport at approximately eight AM on the four hour flight from here to Vail Colorado and will be landing at ten AM Mountain Daylight Time. Please fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take off" Lily says and we all follow her directions before the engines began whirring faster and the jet moved away from the hanger towards the runway.

Getting to the point of take off the jet sped up from taxi speed and eventually lifted from the ground up into the sky towards Colorado and the weekend Arilynn had organized with all of our friends.
Shorter chapter but I also am not able to write two thousand words this late at night unfortunately, none the less I hope you all enjoyed it, comment, vote, and share. Also whoever commented the idea to do a paranormal book that will be coming in the summer likely in August or whenever I finish what I have on the go. Though there is several ideas written in my phone. Anyways


The Devils Of New YorkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora