Chapter Seventy One

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Nathanial Winters

It was the day of the funeral for Arilynn's parents, I had asked for nearly a dozen security cars be present especially since there were so many high profile, and important people here. The Hamilton's had known a wide variety of people despite not having ever been welcomed into higher echelons they were connected and it was respectable. The funeral had also been chosen to be done with a closed casket for both of them, and most surprisingly my parents had come to attend the ceremony.

The trees were collecting the drizzle from the descending rain that was seemingly appearing from the grey sky. Thick black clouds hung like an omniscient force over the graveyard all while shiny black rain speckled vehicles lined the curbs and black suited men and women with sunglasses and wires walked around the area making sure that no one got near to any of the members of attendees. 

My parents Bentley sat among the sedans from Mercedes, Audi, and Jaguar, along with a few Range Rovers, and numerous SUV's. I wouldn't have though a funeral would be where one could find tons of luxury cars but none the less there it was dozens and almost fifty attendees while a hundred PPO's walked around the area.

"I hope the ceremony hasn't started yet" my dad says to me and I shake my head before looking over at Arilynn who was trying her best to be impassive but I knew she still would cry at some point during this funeral.

"It's okay to cry love, I have two whole packages of tissues" I whisper to her and she nods as she rested against my should while I held her waist with a gloved hand all while the funeral officiant started talking.

"Today, we lay to rest two souls that were killed before their time just a few short weeks ago. The family will remember them for their role as a mother and father, as soon to be grandparents, as business partners, and friends. I was personally close to them and the family wanted to have all of us here today hear a final testament to them" he says looking up from the podium that had been made for him to talk to all of us.

"The Hamilton Family made their life together, and were even associate partners to the Winters Family who is also present today. Richard and Selina founded their company together, and seeked to build it together to hopefully raise their young daughter in their image. To teach her all the things that they could. They offered their love and support to their close friends and family Richard used to say 'that with greatness comes the shadow of support' it's a lifting quote, and it talks about how so much was sacrificed and given to get to where him and his wife had gotten. But they weren't perfect and they accepted their flaws and though it caught up to them in the end I hope along with the family that with their burial they can move on to the next life with forgiveness. Adrian Winters wanted to come up and say a few words" the officiant says and I look back to my father who moved out from the rows of people and towards the front past the oak caskets.

Standing in front of the podium he looked over everyone as he corrected the buttoning position on his coat.

"This isn't the first funeral I've been too, it's the fifth or sixth now, and each time it was for a different reason for different people that died of different causes. In this case it was a shooting, announced dead within seconds, and no suffering which is how I hope all of us die, with no suffering. My relationship with them wasn't particularly close, it was professional but close. It became closer when their daughter stole the heart of my son. We exchanged business but I could always remember Richard laughing and being jovial regardless of if he had sold away money, or received it. Selina was no different, she was the definition of the socialite wife. Something my own wife thinks I should do more often".

I could see the smiles at this, the dry humour that my dad excelled at levying at every instance that he could. It would likely be how many would focus on getting through this while the influence that the Hamilton's held lay vacant and unfilled like so many other people that had fallen in the past to my dad's will and wishes.

"I can remember them sitting around at events and enjoying the night, but I can only say that things changed, I will respect them in their death like many did with my own parents deaths, but I cannot say that respect will make the pain of loss disappear. Only time will do that, though I hope that they stay in the hearts of those who they affected positively, and are forgiven by those who were hurt by the actions of the two people that we are laying to rest here today. Let them go in peace to wherever the next life resides. Thank you" my dad says shutting off the microphone that was in front of him and walking away back to join my mom and our siblings.

"Could we now have the men come up and help with the lowering" the officiant asks and we step forward before accepting the instructions on lowering the ropes slowly into the ground hand over hand as the officiant said a prayer for them until we had reached the bottom of the six foot hole and one side let go before removing the rope and coiling it.

"Will the daughter please come up and drop the first handful of dirt".

Arilynn didn't seem to want to move at first before moving towards the front of the area and accepting the urn that held dirt before reaching in and pulling out a handful before letting half fall into one grave and the rest on the other.

"The world will remember this" I mutter.

"How many more will die from this families actions?" my dad replies in equal verb.

"I hope no more. I hope that there will be a day that the Winters won't be surrounded by the sins of our past".

"Your child will be the last to even hear stories of our family terrors" the man beside me says. "They have to be, the familial trauma must end even if it takes the rest of my living life to see it happen".

"It'll happen in my lifetime I hope" I sigh watching as Arilynn came to stand back beside me as the graves were covered once more and people began making their way to the reception all while the rain began to beat down harder on the graveyard.
Another chapter completed, the next one is technically the aftermath from the funeral so I'll let you all see how that goes. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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