Chapter Seventy Four

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Arilynn Hamilton

Tonight was our monthly date, or at least one of them since there were months we went once a week; none the less I had chosen to be at least somewhat put together despite the weight in my body being slightly more apparent, I'd put on five pounds, and I knew I'd likely gain another two or three by the end of this pregnancy.

Sitting in one of the chairs in the dining room Nathan is kneeling in front of me an slipping my shoes on for me with an amused smile on his face. He had been more then willing to help with all kinds of things, he just found it funny how I couldn't do some things and then proceeded to be shy from it.

"Arilynn there is nothing wrong with you. Pregnancy does limit mobility to a degree" he says looking up at me with that damned signature smirk that I had a feeling he'd be perpetrating on me until we were old and grey.

Nathan then stood and pulled his jacket straight before taking the key for the car he'd chosen out of his pocket and leading me away towards the front door and out down to the BMW and opened the door for me before helping me get in and rounding the car to get in himself.

I then watched him start the car and connect his phone as he always did before driving away and picking the song using the buttons on the steering wheel as he did so. Nathan once satisfied then adjusted and set one hand palm up on the center console where he could hold my small thin hand in his much larger one.

In the past few months I'd picked up the habit of putting on the massage feature on seats for my back pain, and it was helping tremendously, especially in making me not feel grouchy, and unenjoyable to be around. Nathan's family seemed to like me like this especially his sisters who occasionally teased me because I could pass out anywhere from my body likely working so hard to make a life inside of me, especially since I was tiny I was five foot five compared to Nathan who was a whole seven inches taller then me. Plus Dr. Winslow estimates that my baby will be four an a half maybe five pounds when I give birth and before pregnancy I was a hundred twenty pounds, now I was one-thirty, and my frame didn't hide the fact I was pregnant anymore I was very fit and lean my whole life, and now I had a little life that was going to be loved.

Valerie, you've made mommy look like the Grinch but I still love you, even if you aren't born yet.

Nathan on the other hand had already gone out and picked up the basics, along with thought it would be cool to take Valerie around and let her pick out things by reaching for them because they seem interesting the the new born. So the bedroom she would be taking was currently limited for decorations.

He'd decorate it later though and for some reason I imagined him doing so while holding Valerie and telling her why he chose each decoration even if she didn't have a clue what he was saying.

When we did eventually get to the main highway he sped up significantly but still made sure to stay within traffic laws.

With the exception of passing four cars at a hundred fifty.

Nathan however was one of the few people I would trust to drive that fast with one hand and not crash. I'd seen him and the boys drive on the Autobahn and half pay attention to their surroundings because they all drove in a line behind one another, and Nathan was always checking his mirrors.

People also seemed to think being six foot was normal when looking at him but he was fucking tall, only fifteen percent are six foot and I used to hear girl mutter about all the things they wanted in a guy and it was going to be impossible to find one. Then I stumbled into one, and he picked me.

Even after six years I felt like the luckiest girl on earth for meeting Nathan. Nothing was forces, things just happened as they came and our go with the flow but dedicated relationship got us farther then I ever expected, and here I was living the dream, with the right person, I wasn't leaving him for nothing, and he wouldn't go anywhere either.

Ten minutes later we were pulling up outside of the restaurant that Nathan had chosen for our reservation called the La Roma which was an Italian cuisine restaurant that Nathan had recently bought out, and had put in a few of the casinos he owned.

Parking I then watched him get out and round the vehicle with all the cues of having gone to private school and an Ivy League institution, however it was a horrible representation of him since he was one of the most humble people I'd ever met, though the man couldn't blend in to a crowd worth shit, he was too well known.

Nathan then opened the door for me and let me out allowing me to hold onto his arm for support as I attempted to remain looking put together and elegant all while being slightly offset.

Once out he pushed the door shut with a thud and the two of us walked inside all while a valet took the key and moved the car we entered the restaurant before being guided away almost instantly towards a private table in the restaurant.

"Thank you" Nathan says looking at the waiter as he removed his coat and hung it on one of the hooks.

"What can I get for you both?" the waiter asks looking between us.

"Iced tea please, homemade preferably" Nathan says before looking over at me.

"A pitcher would be nice, and we aren't bothering you too much" I say and the waiter nods before walking away.

"So it's not the perfect restaurant but it's pretty nice" Nathan says as he looked around the space of the restaurant which was filled with people, all of which were laughing and talking and enjoying the restaurant without a care in the world and it made me wonder how Nathan always seemed to manage to have success in business though I'm sure that at this point Winters Group could announce that it was creating childs toys and somehow it would become lucrative in a week.

"I like it, it's amazing, you're amazing you've done so much these past few years and I don't tell you that enough, but I'm really proud of you" I say and he gives me a smile before we spot the waiter and our drinks are set before us soon followed by the waiter taking out a notepad and beginning to write down our food order before he left once more.

We sat and talked and for a while I felt like we were University students again, though that feeling from the first coffee date we went on had never gone away even after six years of being together, I could still look at Nathan and see him before we had become knowns and successful, before the years of us spending so much time working and only a limited time together. We made it work but this past few months had shown that despite the busyness we both made time with one another, and it should be that way.

"Thank you, Arilynn, also I'm proud of you too, you've done a lot for me. And I'm exceedingly grateful for it, and for you. I'm difficult and hard headed, and too quick to emotion, so I'm glad you've always stuck by me".

"Of course, Nathan" I say giving him a bright smile that he returned and glanced down.

"I'm one lucky guy to have you, I really am" he says covering my hand with his before our food was brought to us and set down in front of us before we were left with the meal and it only led Nathan and I continuing to enjoy the others presence late into the night in our quiet little corner of the restaurant.
I have something interesting planned for the next chapter so I hope you all enjoy it, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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