Chapter Forty Nine

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Walking out of the house one morning we had all decided to go skiing and snowboarding down the freshly made snow despite there only being a frost layer in Vail however it would stay cold enough for us to all go to to the hill and have some fun.

Crossing the driveway to the garage section of the home Nathan unlocked the door using a code and stepped inside before I heard a vehicle start and the doors opened revealling the surprisingly normal vehicles around us all though I also knew he liked cars he just also liked humility.

He still owned more supercars then most people see in their lives.

Pulling out in a G-Wagon I opened the back and slid my skiing stuff in beside his before rushing to the front and hopping in next to him as he chose a song and drove off dancing in the front seat of his car, giving me a brief flash of what Nathan may have been like in another life if he wasn't a billionaire, though he would still always be this odd I image and do things to make me laugh or break out smiling.

I could also see him doing this when he picked up our kids in ten years.

As we got to the road he signaled and proceeded to wait for everyone else to join before pulling out one by one and speeding off towards the ski hills, and Vail itself.

Eventually the township comes into clear view and almost just as fast Nathan had pulled off of the highway and went up to the ski resort where most people typically went skiing just like the rest of us.

When Nathan parked I looked over to watch five other vehicles to the same and all of us got out, before rounding the vehicle and pulling out our gear to change in the parking lot. Pulling on all of the snow suits I noticed Nathan looking up at the mountain and knowing him he'll go straight to the top and end up seeing how fast he could go down the hill.

We all then picked up our boards and skis before walking off towards the main building to pay for being here and would ten make his way to the lift. All of us did though we splintered off at the top Nathan heading to the deeper portion, while the idiots attempted to remember how to downhill ski. The rest seemed to practically pick up from the previous years bout of excursions around the ski resorts in Main and Vermont.

Lucian and Amelia went to Switzerland though, so they were probably better then the rest of us.

Following Nathan we got to a second lift and began going up to the very top of the available hill though I doubted my own ability to do all of this as I was still getting used to skiing, and Nathan was skilled in most outdoor sports.

"Why are you following me to the top of this mountain?" he asks and I just shrug.

"Humans are survival minded during my descent I'll be forced to learn how to safely stop and turn" I say and he gives me a look before sighing as if he expected nothing less from me.

"Bold as always. Try moving in an S shape so that you don't go careening down the face of this mountain" he says pulling a toque over his previously neat hair and slid down the mountain expertly moving back and forth so that he wouldn't crash and wipe out against the sharp ice crystals.

"How the fuck?" I mutter before he grinded to a stop and turned around to watch me. Beginning to slide I relaxed my body and attempted to zig zag down the hill and just as fast I got the hang of it and met up with Nathan who began moving down the hill beside me in perfect sync. I was focused on the hill and not falling over while he was just next to me with his hands in his pockets.

"Stop being a show off" I hear and look over to see Zavier struggling to stay balanced as he joined in next to us.

"I'm not showing off Zavier, I'm just better" Nathan replies looking over at him and straightening his board and speeding up while still remaining perfectly balanced.

"You can't tell me he wasn't always a thrill seeker, it's Nathan. He's never less then a little flashy" I muse and Zavier just nods.

"True, also you wouldn't know how to not bust my ass on these" he says glancing down at his skis.

"Keep your body relaxed, lean with your turns use the farthest foot away to angle yourself so that you stay balanced. Trust yourself to know how to not crash" I say before tucking myself in and shooting off down the hill to catch back up with Nathan though he noticed and made himself as aerodynamic as possible to remain unaffected by wind resistance.

As he reached the bottom of the hill I watched a giant plume of snow and ice rise before settling over anyone else in the vicinity though the line to get to the hill hadn't gotten that long just yet.

Stopped next to him in a less dramatic way I looked back to see Zavier finally getting the hang of skiing down the mountain before he and Theo collided and I see Nathan roll his eyes.

"Of bloody course" Nathan says unsecuring his feet and trudging over to his friends both of which were on the ground groaning for good reason. Theo was very well built and even from the look of him seemed to be around a hundred seventy pounds which was the same as Nathan who was the leanest out of all of them though a fair bit taller.

"Get up, let's go" he says wrapping an arm around each and easily lifting both to their feet as if they weighed nothing.

Only Nathan and his friends.

"Nathan the fuck" Theo wheezes as he's set back on his feet.

"If more then your egos are bruised there is a nurse inside the main lodge" and with that Nathan came back to me joining me in the line as we slowly made our way to the chair lift.

"A lifetime of inspiration and devotion just to get knocked on their asses" I remark watching Zavier and Theo limp their way towards the main lodge while everyone else just looks unimpressed.

"They've always been a bit like the chaotic dynamic duo, and I don't really have any other way of explaining it" Nathan admits looking over at me.

"I've known you all for seven years and I don't have any way of understanding it aside from when left alone its a miracle if something isn't burning" I say and Nathan just laughed.

"That's a fair evaluation of their stupidity that is also why I am so glad to have them as friends because they lighten everything up by them being them".

"Yes they do, what was it like growing up around them?" I ask and he hums in thought.

"Fuckall has changed in the twenty five years we've all been here. Lucian is still too smart for all of us, Theo is easily pleased, Zavier does dumb shit daily, and I am still keeping them all in line" Nathan replies and I can see it.

"Good to know that that's what I can expect for the rest of my life is seeing you all be like that".

"You absolutely will".

We then eventually got to the front of the line and sat down onto the lift before carrying us up to the top of the mountain where we could get off. Looking around I took in the view of all the people gliding down the slopes of the ski paths while wind blew past me.

When the lift slowed I slid off and once more Nathan and I made our way back to the second lift to go to the top.
Early enough for me to start on tomorrows though I have dinner to make. Comment, vote, and share, Anyways


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