Chapter Fifteen

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Vesper had moved the Maybach into the underground garage of Winters Group which was mildly impressive considering there was five levels of garage space down here along with the immense power plant that my father had designed as a child.

Crossing the room however my thoughts weren't on appreciating everything around me I either didn't ask for or the things I busted my ass to achieve. It was on Scarlett.

That flash on her face when I mentioned the fact her father was in jail, and indirectly mentioned the crash that cost Scarlett her memories of me. She also diverted from it directly after allowing me to see that she was distressed at not remembering. I'd likely indirectly hurt her by saying that and yet she took it as if accepting she'd never remember, but that wasn't who she was. There was always confidence with Scarlett, and it was unwavering, I got to see that she still had that key part to herself.

What I couldn't figure out however was why she had made the comment about six years to go figure out my name. There were pictures of me, and she had been to a few of the events I'd gone to. So there had to be some way she had encountered at least a picture of me. It was mentally costing attempting to figure it out and I knew I'd end up spending a very long time trying to figure it out, but in the end I would.

I always did.

In six years not one person had outsmarted me and now I would figure out every little secret somehow that I hadn't been able to uncover about Scarlett Louviere.

Getting to the Maybach once more I slipped into the back and leaned back into the cool leather seats while Vesper waited for me to buckle my seat.

"Steinway Tower please Vesper" I say and she nods before beginning to drive off.

As the car left the garage I stared out at the buildings of New York. Buildings that had been bought, and sold for various prices, people who worked countless hours in them. The generation of workers but so very few would escape it all. Very few would actually get to walk away from their nine to five, there was almost no one I knew who was a millionaire or a billionaire who hadn't either worked their ass off to get there or ended up with generational wealth that they expanded.

All my friends came from recently made billions, and it surprised me just how many people had money which also said exactly how little was truly available to most people working at all of these companies on Wall Street and throughout the Financial District.

I had tried my best to change people's lives, both by donating and also hiring people to pay them ridiculous amounts of money but I couldn't do so. A small difference between my dad and me was that I expanded into a more public setting, my dad kept basic economics while being a leading figure. I had focused on the things he didn't. Not saying he wasn't the best this family will ever get because he is. No other man in history made a twelve trillion dollar company in seven years, and no one else could have made every other wealthy person on earth scared and admiring at the same time. He was certain mine and many others role model. It'll be a sad day when Adrian Winters takes his last breath.

Drove a six million dollar Bugatti on the regular, wore hundred grand bespoke suits, would turn into a mafia boss for his family, and could have anything he wanted. The Winters Family golden standard was that man and I certainly knew it but no matter what he had also never made any of his three children feel like they had to live up to him, and if any of us had that thought he had always replied by telling us that doing what he did wasn't necessary or legal at this point because of just how much money really was in Winters Group control.

I also understood being in his shoes. Being CEO of Winters Group International I'd been fortunate but I also got to deal with the daily headache of making sure everyone on earth knew that I wasn't to be messed with. He had to do it under more pressure too. Winters Group still fell under concern since a little over thirty years ago the Executive Directors were just lining their pockets. My dad gave all of them an ultimatum and it exposed every person who was there to be selfish. I didn't have to do that with my tenure as CEO but I am slowly having to retire members which is unfortunate because they are extremely skilled at their jobs.

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