Chapter Thirty Eight

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Arilynn Hamilton

Tomorrow was the day that Nathan came home and I nearly couldn't wait. Media had been covering every possible second of getting a look at the security detail that had been set up to hide that Nathan was actually in London, and it had been working perfectly though I was waiting for them to realize that it wasn't Nathan and was just one of his PPO's pretending to be my secretive billionaire fiancé.

I was standing in the window of one of the towers in New York that belonged to Winters Group specifically Jace Asher Real Estate, which took up things like hotels, apartment buildings, and even high rises like this thirty floor luxury apartment complex in central Upper East Side with a twenty million dollar penthouse that was actually apart of the Winters Family Trust. It had apparently once belonged to Alexander Winters and Adrian sold it but later bought it back and transformed it and the building though he kept the penthouse as it held a lot of meaning to keep it.

Everything was paneled in wood with marble floors, and soft carpets that emulated animal fur in the living room. The penthouse capitalized on the glass on the top floor and the outdoor surrounding terrace that was cut off my stylized walls from the pillars that weren't actually needed at that level but to keep with the framing it had been designed to have a rolling out mesh cover for birds to not enter. Nathan had even admitted that he liked being here because it was the home that no one thought a Winters would own.

Having been with Nathan for seven years he admitted that he alone owned around nine homes, and then through a family trust had access to another ten that was for travelling, and was technically owned by WGI and other possessed subsidiaries. This penthouse though was apparently one that Nathan only found out about recently in the past year.

Turning back around to explore more of the penthouse that security had actually moved me to since Steinway Tower was as they put it compromised. Which of course meant someone had figured out where Nathan and I lived likely from the cars that came out of the garage, and well media had apparently gotten wind of things from all over the world involving Winters Group hadn't been attacked or even threatened, just Nathan, who had apparently been linked to terror in the Congo.

I had even read the article which I had still pulled up on the tablet that was discreetly stored in the coffee table seamlessly and if one didn't know by the small slightly protruding round metal wireless charger on the bottom of the space where it was stored. The whole penthouse was also highly insulated and was build to be a bunker in the sky, there was also a specific logo one certain items in the penthouse that nearly made my stomach drop. The logo was a W with a line centrally placed through it which was the universal symbol of Adrian Winters, which of course made sense he had redesigned the whole penthouse but I also learned that that symbol was connected with power, everyone knew that.

That wasn't the reason it made my heart drop though, it was that something like this penthouse should be incredibly easy to figure out who had designed it, and that it was in possession of Adrian but it wasn't, it wasn't ever publicly known that the Winters had even half the control that they did. I was one of thirty people in a city of nine million who were untouchable.

That was a jarring realization.

Which was also why the article that I had now begun rereading was so shocking as well.

Terror By Congo Warlord Linked To Winters Group CEO

Winters Group International which is known as the virtuous American based global enterprise that had expanded over the past fifty years into many of the worlds leading industries had been passed over to it's second generation CEO Nathanial Winters. With the recent launch of the weapons development and production company Voulge Defence Industries. Three years ago numerous rifles, and rounds ended up in the possession of a warlord in the Congo who had launched a terror strike on several cities in the Democratic Republic of Congo and injured hundreds, and killed over a thousand.

The company and CEO has never apologized though had eventually put together a network to clear the warlord and his militia by air strikes from the companies most advanced jets that are now under contract by the US military, and other UN nations around the world, as stealth bombers, and advanced fighters, making it one of the first hybrid fighter jets ever produced.

Other such events have come up like the connections to tyrants around the world with Nathanial Winters putting the logo of Winters Group around the countries and exploiting the workforce for long hours, along with capitalizing billions from the efforts of those who are in the blue collar work in these countries.

For decades the family has denied any connections to wars, and usage of third world countries to profit off of around the world. They have been behind many disasters and though unproven there should be question into the wealth and influence of this family.

Nathan as expected hadn't spoken about it though his sisters and even Adrian had spoken about it, governments around the world were speaking up, and many of the workers across the nearly fifty countries that held Winters Group or Winters Group associated employees were protesting the article. The world had risen up against the false information that the article had presented, and the comment section wasn't put up. There was no public access to make any remarks what so ever which had left me to filing a complaint against them and the article was apparently underworks to be removed for misinformation, and Winters Group had filed a lawsuit that was being handled this very second for defamation of character, and misinformation.

The media agency had apparently fired the writer of the article who refused to tell who the information had come from if anyone and there was an investigation into emails by the police, and company who had forwarded a thirty million dollar settlement payment to WGI.

 I hadn't been ever told what Winters Group made but I knew thirty million wasn't much to that organization.

Nathan had also been quite vocal about his shortcomings in private and seemed to have an answer for everything no matter what he was doing which was always going to be something that I admired about him because he could come up with a solution to most problems. The few he couldn't was mostly because those specific problems required a less volcanic attitude then his.

It was also likely that volcanic attitude that would make sure that his was handled the way it should be especially with how much he gave in to keeping his name clear and his family business unbothered. I could also see Nathan attempting to figure out who had done this and was going to be responsible for the lawsuit he would have to attend even though public support for him was at an all time high and would probably be done in a week.

Setting the tablet back down I turned back to the window and looked over New York knowing that if Nathan was framed for tax evasion he would be sent to jail, and if he wasn't whoever was behind this would attempt something worse then framing someone and theft which I didn't want to know what the result would be.

I also knew that there was a lot that had come from this past week and even the past month, which was all just piling up one things after another.

I guess it will just have to be dealt with carefully.

Though I didn't even know what that would mean for Nathan, for his family, for his company, and even for me and the baby I was carrying, and that was the most terrifying thing of all.
This was a shorter one but I wanted show the stress that is becoming more common with the Winters and their associated family, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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