Chapter Seventy Three

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A few weeks passed before Arilynn and I were on our way to the hospital to do the check in for Arilynn's pregnancy which surprisingly she wasn't showing too much which for someone twenty six weeks pregnant was shocking to me but how would I know.

As I spotted Glacier North Hospital I pulled into the parking lot and found a place to park before looking over at Arilynn who cast me a soft smile in response. She had been excited for this as we had waited until the third trimester to know if it was a boy or a girl, along with generally being excited that soon enough she will be having the baby she had been carrying for the past six months.

Getting out of the car I rounded to the side where Arilynn was and helped her out of the car before shutting the door and putting an arm around her. We then began the walk towards the hospital before entering the large building that took up an entire New York city block from being the largest hospital in all of New York.

I then looked around the building that I'd rarely been in though I had gone here most of my childhood for all of my shots and vaccinations, though now I was going here for the check in of my future child with the woman I'd be marrying in a few months.

As we walked over to the hospital desk I watched one of the three receptionists look up and casually wave us over before we stopped in front of the desk.

"Good afternoon, do you have an appointment?" she asks.

"Yes we have an appointment with Dr. Winslow about a pregnancy check in, patient Arilynn Hamilton" I say right before a redheaded woman walks down the steps that was across the lobby and began moving towards Arilynn, and I.

"Mr. Winters, Miss Hamilton. This way please for the check in" Dr. Winslow says with a bright smile that was relatively common with the doctors and medical staff that worked here regardless of the amount of stress though I suppose when someone comes along and tells you that two hundred grand you were promised upon graduation will start at six fifty, and will rise five percent each year it certainly becomes an incentive to do better all the time and create the best experience for the patients that come to Glacier North.

As we were guided through the hospital we eventually made it too the office where Dr. Winslow would be doing the check in for us, and would likely be providing the total procedure when the time came since the Winters Family always picked highly trusted, capable, and well educated doctors which is funny to me since I am the first Winters to go to Harvard, my parents never went to Ivy League, and my grandfather went to Columbia just to stay close to home.

Getting to the office which was more like a separate unit though that was how this hospital operated, the building itself was ten stories high, and covered an enormous amount of space in Manhattan though it also was the most advanced hospital on the East Coast and was capable of holding and tending to five thousand patients which out performed many other hospitals since that was just what was kept, the amount of patients seen per day was twelve per doctor on average so two million people came to Glacier North a year.

No wonder the hospitals that were owned by Winters Group were so successful.

My family was too far into making money to stop, it was so bad that I don't actually think we would ever run out of it. The only consolidation that I had was that none of us were greedy with money, and were more focused on others even if we had all the time and access to resources to make the world exactly how we wanted it.

There was secretive families too, other dynasties that controlled vast amounts of money and spheres of influence that no one else had access to except close friends. The only real difference was that in secret Winters Group would require every nation on earth to cease making money in order to slow the progress of the company however if that happened people would just start stealing to get by, and uproar would follow. The only other option was for the company to be dissolved and have every subsidiary sold off.

I could at least make good things happen for my child's future.

Dr. Winslow then gestured for us to sit before we did and she began explaining how the process of the procedure and check in would go for this time, especially since we wanted to know what the gender of our baby was.

"So Arilynn would you mind changing into a gown quickly so we don't get the gel on your clothing, and then we can do the ultrasound" Dr. Winslow says gesturing to a room that was set aside to provide a changing room for patients.

Arilynn then stood and accepted the gown that she was given before walking into the room and pulling the door shut leaving me and the Doctor alone.

"I have some tests that we do for her so that you both can know if the baby is healthy along with a few other standardized procedures like listening to the baby's heartbeat, and even doing an MRI to see brain activity" Dr. Winslow says before the door opens and Arilynn walks out at the same time that a bed is brought out so that the scan can be done while a TV would show the baby.

"Okay, this will be cold, I am warning you now" she says as she began rubbing the gel over Arilynn's stomach before moving the scanning arm over and setting it to hover over her slightly raised stomach. I then watched as she located the baby and showed a nearly fully formed baby and held it there for Arilynn and I to see. Exchanging a look I watched her fight a smile before we looked to the doctor.

"So I have the test here that shows whether or not it's a boy or a girl, and your results from the test that we took at your last check in which was a month ago at twenty one weeks" Dr. Winslow says looking up from her screen to Arilynn and I waiting in anticipation.

"And?" Arilynn asks, slight nervousness filling her voice as she glanced at me.

"It's a girl, a very healthy girl, here are the other test results, we'll do them again just to update the information, but her brain, and body is very healthy, her immune system simply based off of genetic testing is quite strong. So you will have a very strong healthy little girl in three months" Dr. Winslow says before getting a cloth and wiping off the gel before getting what she needed for the other tests and began going through them all while explaining them to Arilynn and I since she hadn't in the past but none the less I was more focused on the news.

Arilynn and I will be getting our little Valerie.

Looking up as I pulled myself from my reverie, I could tell that Arilynn was thinking the same thing I was just through the looks that she kept giving me, all while smiling softly and listening to the doctor.

"Also if you two would like to listen to her heart you may, I'll get a stethoscope" the doctor says standing from her chair and walking over to a cabinet where she pulled out the listening device and handed it first to Arilynn who then handed me the other end as a wordless way of saying I get the honour of positioning it. Moving it slowly I eventually got it on the right spot, and watched as Arilynn seemed to glow with happiness at the sound of our little girl's heartbeat before removing the buds and putting them in my ears letting me listen to every pump of Valerie's little heart.

"That's our daughters heart" I mutter looking up at Arilynn in adoration that she was carrying our child, and it made me want to cry and hug her at the same time, but I'll wait until we get home where I can convince her to cuddle for an hour as I give her too many kisses at the marvel that she had done.

"Yes it is, Nathan" Arilynn replies matching my smile before I went back to focusing on the sound and rejoicing every beat I heard.
Life has come full circle in three book, comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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