Chapter Seventy

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A few days later I had gotten dressed to go into work for one last time until after Nathan and I's child was born. I had been anticipating the news of when I'd be having our child but I was also scared and worried about being a first time mother. There would be news at some point wondering why I didn't show up in the media for months before having likely gained a few pounds through my three trimesters. Nathan had even admitted that wherever I wanted to go to wait out the chaos he would move his work office there for that period of time and I desperately wanted to say Malta where very few people were and where both of us could enjoy peace without feeling like we were being caged in by news crews and media. Though we should also spend our time here in our new home instead of being away from it especially since this was where our child would be raised.

Pulling on clothing for the day though I didn't really care how I appeared as long as it was functional and formal enough to still make me look professional but not like a complete idiot for having some weird out of character clothing choice.

I'd go to work in sweats and a hoodie if that was allowed.

Walking downstairs I spotted Nathan dressed and ready for his day in one of many suits that he loved though this one was a rare dark forest green one that almost seemed to blend into the grey strands just as much as the black vest, dress shirt, and trousers.

As he pulled open the key drawer her took out a key and looked over at me, casting a smile towards me.

"Hello love" he says walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me. "You look beautiful but exhausted".

"I feel exhausted" I mutter resting my head against his chest.

"You only have a few hours of hell to endure then you can come home and not wish that you didn't have to be at work" Nathan says with a soft chuckle before reaching up to hold the side of my face and smile softly at me with so much compassion and adoration that I felt like I was nearly eighteen again and seeing him do it for the first time all over again.

"I like my job I just feel like I've gotten three hours of sleep instead of eight" I remark and he just smiles down at me.

"Go to work attempt to be productive, tell Hannah that I will be sending you food and a coffee. I'll see you when you get home from Hamilton Enterprises. Then Arilynn, I will hold you and you can fall asleep all over again" Nathan says and I nod.

"I don't feel twenty-four, I still feel like a school girl with a crush".

"My parents have been together for over thirty years and they haven't changed one bit my whole life. So maybe we'll still be like this when we're old, and hurt, and feel like shit all the time".

"That makes getting old sound so exciting, thank you Nathanial".

"We can suffer through it together love, now we need to leave" he says and I laugh before taking my own choice and following him out of our house. Locking the door I watched Nathan cross the driveway to where he took out his Vantage and drove off as I got to my Rolls Royce and got in before being lazy and using the automatic shut button before driving off towards Hamilton Enterprises while Nathan would likely wait until the last minute to pull into the busy streets of Manhattan.

I however had driven through this city long enough to be patient which was funny to me because Nathan would drive over the speed limit and weave traffic where I would just sit and be patient. His need to do things quickly and efficiently made him a much better CEO then me in terms of getting things done but he also focused on making the company more money by expanding which meant he had to be quick to get into markets and make himself a clear contender to others that were already in the industry.

I just rebranded and moved funding and factories slowly into the industries and needs of the company and it all worked out, I was more patient then Nathan but I gave him patience and he gave me the confidence to push for the things I wanted. I also had a feeling that he would be a great dad, that he'd be kind and caring, that some part of him that could lose his temper would just disappear when he had a kid there that was his.

Nathan had spent hours on the weekends painting and styling the room where our child would be, and I could see the genuine thought he'd put into picking the crib which he had handmade himself in the shop which Nathan had also transformed since he'd thought of a better way to store his cars since there was a whole wing of the house that didn't get used and he hadn't thought about it when the house was under construction so now he had essentially had the one half of the room made into a show room with a woodworking space for projects that he took up.

Why he chose to have a workshop around his cars I don't know but I would imagine it's part of it feeling like a mechanics garage.

Eventually I got to Hamilton Enterprises and parked before getting out and walking up to the front door of the building where I was let in and able to cross the lobby without having anyone ask how tired I was despite being certain I looked like death.

Getting to the elevator I slipped into the car and pressed the button to the top floor while waiting for my PA to arrive unless she was still working on my day plan which would be a sure sign that there was a complete mess of a day ahead of me.

After a moment the doors opened and I walked out to find that Hannah was on her way to meet me as she stood just about to press the elevator button when the doors had opened and I stepped out.

"Miss Hamilton, you mostly just have files today however you have a meeting at two with the board of directors".

"I wish I could just buy out public share of this company" I mutter knowing that for the most part I held complete monetary control over Hamilton Enterprises however the Board of Directors was around at the beginning of the year before letting me commit to what I saw fit for my business. They were however representatives of the shareholders from over two dozen companies and who buying out the shares of each would cost this company nearly a hundred fifty billion dollars. I could do it but it also was a necessary evil until I could gain enough of a directional staff to take over each position without it seeming odd or out of place in this building.

I guess maybe it being a private company doesn't help too much.

I had told Nathan one day over dinner that I wish I had all of the stake in this company, but eight percent was still something and I didn't want to watch nearly the equivalent of just under my own stake just vanish in pay outs to the investors, I had most of the money and in response I was given eighty million by investors who got a massive markup on their investment even if I wanted nothing to do with them, and despised the fact that I didn't own my own company yet it would do for now. Things would hopefully change for the better over these next few years.

Getting to my office I set down my purse and let out a sigh before looking around the room as pale light entered the room and the small of incense lightly wafted through the space.

"Do you need anything Miss Hamilton?" Hannah asks as I take out a pen and pick up my first file.

"My fiancé is having my coffee and breakfast dropped off, and after today I will be working from home and not coming in until after I am married and or have gotten my life with a kid put together, I will do my best but I can't promise that I'll be here all the time" I say and she nods.

"I'll not it down that you're going on maternal leave until further notice" Hannah says with a smile before I am left to my work and the hours that would follow leading up to the meeting that I didn't want to go to. Along with the oddly persistent thought that I hoped my parents would be the last funeral I'd have to go to for a very long time.
A normal length one for today but it's not going up at eight o'clock at night so I guess that's a good thing. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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