Chapter Fifty One

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Stepping out of the brick house that reminded me quite a bit of the one that me and the boys lived in during our year at Harvard I crossed the snow dusted cobbles to the Mercedes that had been rechecked before I slipped into the back seat holding my blue jacket closed with one hand so that I didn't ruffle it in any way since I'd been careful to make sure it maintained its perfect appearance and my own.

"Ellipsis Corporation, Mr. Winters?" the driver asks looking up into the mirror likely making sure  that he had heard the right thing and was requesting confirmation.

"Yes, as swiftly as possible preferably" I say looking out the window at the house which was still bright as I liked lights being one though just enough to have a clear view but not enough to cause a headache.

It has happened before. 

The night was a clear designation of exactly what was to come, and it had always been a little bit funny that the weather seemed to always match the mood of any deal being done by the Winters by being either gloomy and stormy or pitch black.

I like the night though, the ambience to everything seemed to make things seem almost welcoming an appealing to me. Though what was I going to be afraid of as a child I grew up learning my own father was called the devil, and to a child the devil didn't seem so bad with the perception I had.

There are scarier things in this world then mysterious men in suits.

Kansas City was also a little bit like Minneapolis though I could tell that Kansas City was less densely packed together and it only made me in the back seat of the black Mercedes I rode in stand out more. I guess that was just life though.

I had also spent a fair amount of time having interviews with Ellipsis Corps CEO Isaiah Kelbrandt play as I was picking out a suit and getting myself ready to meet with the man. Whether people wished to see me as a twenty-five year old or not it couldn't be denied I was young, and that meant I wasn't as proven to the world as others. My name was only listed as Winters Group CEO, and the founder of Nexus Software but other then that many of my other ventures over the years weren't public, hadn't been made public yet, or I had them kept completely private because I needed to keep the veil of zero deeper information about the family being known.

As the car rolled into downtown Kansas City I looked up at the buildings noticing the round building that seemed to be wrapped in a diamond shaped mesh that held the glass panes of the building in place until stopping nd merging with the rest of the building. The front of it had a large stone slab with golden lettering announcing to passerbys and anyone driving that the building belonged to Ellipsis Corporation.

My driver pulled the car to the curb and stopped before getting out giving me time silence my phone before he opened my door scanning the surrounding area as I got out and shutting the door behind me before locking the car and following in step behind me.

The two of us then walked up the elongated steps and into Ellipsis headquarters where I was met with an interior that should have belonged to a gaudy gang leader in some ridiculous love story where nothing in it made sense but seemed there merely for catching the eye.

Every concievable surface was marble with contrast made between the ceiling and floor, metal arches and design gave depth to the ceiling though I spotted the company logo in the ceiling while the back wall was glass with what seemed like hallways or waiting areas placed on the visible five floors.

I felt like I was in a hotel lobby made by someone with too much money and not enough general common sense or taste in how things were supposed to look.

Crossing the floor to a desk that was placed in front of a waterfall that seemed to block where the elevators were I stood before the desk purposely meaning to look displeased though I really was with this building.

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