Chapter Forty Two

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As I left the first day of the trial that would take about a week to go through I walked across the lobby of the courthouse to the front doors where Vesper and my other PPO's all stood outside the front door. Pushing it open I walked out and buttoned my jacket as my PPO's led me down to the car while questions were called out towards me and the Lawyers.

When I got to my car I got inside and started the vehicle before watching my security personal get into a sedan behind me and follow me back towards Steinway Tower. Listening to music and looking around the city that I surrounded me I wondered what had happened that I had been supported so much. How had a family that came to New York in the fifties become one of the most prevalent business force that the city looked at as the staple of success, we were for some reason this symbol to all of them, and once again I got to see how.

Lucian had also offered to come to my penthouse and sit with me to talk through the process of coding a program specifically to block the recoding of relaying signals. My tech teams had found that it had been a kind of signal relay that would shuffle all of the coding that made it clear about how the camera's and their pixilation worked, it had made one pixel equal to two inches, instead of two millimeters at highest zoom, so we ended up with a blurry face to attempt to figure out who was behind all of the things being put against me.

I had also given a lot of thought to Arilynn's idea even if I didn't like the idea it was a highly feasible option, and likely would work since women were still viewed as weaker then men though I knew she could kick someone's ass if needed.

She could certainly kick mine I'm sure.

Glancing up at a light I slowed to a stop and looked around at all of the vehicles around me. I had to have stood out to them in my sleek sports car, and yet I had attempted to not stand out as much as other people. In a way there was some guilt, I was driving around in an Aston Martin while most people in New York who could even afford a car weren't driving around in a vehicle like this one. The injustice of it always stuck out to me. Many of these people never saw their children or their spouses, they worked long hard hours to put food on the table and go back to an apartment that cost around forty-five thousand dollars a year. In many cases I wished I could give away all my money to those who needed it but I couldn't help fuck all a hundred thirty thousand dollars would only last so long before it would be gone in the hands of the people of this city trying to pay things off and make their lives nicer.

I hoped to give back to them all and I didn't think it had been appreciated but apparently the two trillion I'd given away during my time as Winters Group CEO had been. I could see that outside the courthouse when I arrived and left this morning and still I would do more for them.

Eventually I pulled into the garage of Steinway and parked, I then got out of the car and went to the elevator in hopes of being able to get out of sharing it with anyone. As it sped up to my floor I began removing the layers of clothing I wore before hanging each over my arm. I then heard the door ding and let me out into my penthouse.

Walking up to my room I changed into sweats and a T-shirt before coming back down at the same time that Vesper along with Amelia, and Lucian walked out of the elevator.

"Hello you both, I hope I wasn't inconveniencing either of you" I say furrowing my eyebrows before passing them into the living room and walking over to the kitchen to get a drink of water.

"Not at all, I knew you'd be home now, and Amelia came over to spend time with your wife-to-be" Lucian says adjusting his glasses, that had now taken on actual purpose after all the years of him looking through the round aesthetic ones he used to look through he had gotten some eye damage from the sun going through non prescription lenses. On the way back from London I'd found out that he was booked for Lasik in a few days to get it corrected, though he had been told that if he wished to keep the glasses he needed to have them made specifically for his eyes.

My only good news was that his surgery was happening at Glacier North.

"Well then, Arilynn will likely be home soon, and I need to pull up the program in my office unless you want to do the coding out here.

"The library" Lucian suggests and I nod after filling my glass and then another since at some point he'd want one, but I was also hoping to get a fair amount done before all of us were hungry and I could make dinner when it was around six.

Crossing the room Lucian and I entered the library and I shut the door right as a ding sounded and I heard Arilynn and Amelia greet one another right as we sat down and I opened my laptop.

"So what exactly do you have going on here?" he asks and I hum pulling up the coding page that was marked as a draft program.

"I'm reverse coding signal reception, so that when a signal that should scramble it interacts with the coding of the camera's focus and pixilation it stays the same. I've taken a separate EMP like machine that is military grade but focused it to be approximately fifteen times more concentrated, the math is on my desk" I say and Lucian stands to go look at it.

"I then took a camera and found where it was coded, and realized that none of the cameras have the needed tech, but I also don't want to have to replace twenty four hundred camera's. So my solution was to make a direct camera linked hard drive that would be placed into the server rooms main drive system to secure the cameras and other security features from being bypassed through scrambling code, or EMP's" I explain.

"Considering you founded Nexus Software I wouldn't put it past you to come up with something that would secure all of Winters Group Tower's camera's" Lucian says as I input another line of code and end the program before lookup up at him.

"I now get to test it on my computers camera which I've put this program on so it should in theory protect the computer but I don't know" I say with a sigh and he walks behind the EMP laser and makes sure its aimed at my computer.

"Whenever you want me to turn it on say so".

"Mostly it's my pride hoping that my past week's work will work. I also hope you have that aimed at my computer and not me because that could kill me if it's not aligned correctly" I mutter pressing my lips together and opening my camera, "turn it on" I say and he does and a hum follows before I watch the camera waiting for it to blur but it doesn't so I zoom in slowly, and still it stayed the same before I give Lucian a thumbs up and he shuts off the EMP device.

"It works then" he says and I nod before he touches where it had been focused and tapped it. "Back of your computer is soft by the way".

"I'm sure it is, I also have a bunch of fans blowing up the back of my screen to keep it cool for this. EMP's can melt electronics, and have been known to damage satellites that's why it was a focused laser since it would likely shatter every window in this building and probably even blow it apart, if not focused. I also took this from a Voulge weapons factory".

"You have a weapon that can level a building with an EMP blast?" Lucian asks raising his eyebrows with a perplexed look.

"It was designed for demolition purposes, and search and rescue, now for use against people, but it would likely kill someone if put on the highest setting and focused since it was melting my computer in under ten seconds" I remark and Lucian just laughs.

"Well now you have to get that mass produced and sent out to every WGI location".

"Don't tell me that, it'll easily cost me over a billion dollars" I say feigning a wince.

"You run the worlds largest MNE, now lets get started on a meal, the women can come downstairs and be shocked that we cooked for them" Lucian suggests and I agree with a nod before we leave the confines of the office, and head into the kitchen.
I woke up late this morning, like the time I typically leave for school so I was racing around and didn't hit update for the chapter so now I will get this update up on time at like seven am. Comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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